Chapter 16

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-3rd Person POV-

After everything in their kitchen was cleaned up akaashi cooked breakfast for them which included Eggs, Bacon, Gritt, Sasauge (😜) which was accompanied with sum buns (kill me plz) And the kids were having baby food which was carrot flavoured and honestly it tasted disgusting to the parents but their kids liked it.

Their Kids are now 1 Month old which means that they can already start crawling and babbling.

After they finished eating they were relaxing on the couch watching tv with Koujiro on Akaashi's Lap laughing at the screen because someone fell down the stairs and Keijiro on Bokuto's Lap while Kentarou was In His dads Manly biceps (someone needs to actually stop me) after a while another phone call came in to akaashi's personal phone which made bokuto look at his husband with a confused face which made the kids look at their mom frowning so he went to pick it up ,akaashi thought it was a close friend so he picked up without looking at the contacts and said "Akaashi Keiji Speaking " "Boss this is Oikawa" which suprised akaashi because he never remembered giving his personal phone number to his secretary in his modeling Business 'Vouge'

After they finished eating they were relaxing on the couch watching tv with Koujiro on Akaashi's Lap laughing at the screen because someone fell down the stairs and Keijiro on Bokuto's Lap while Kentarou was In His dads Manly biceps (someone needs...

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(This pic is me right now cringing at how bad this is lmao)

"Oh hello Oikawa what did you need , i thought i specifically said TO NOT CALL ME AFTER A WEEK OF MY HUSBANDS BIRTHDAY" akaashi exclaimed which was replied with some whimpers from the other side of the line "B-but Boss you specifically said that you would have a photoshoot for you and your husband and pups today..... Right?" Silence was there for a while until akaashi jumped of the couch ,Koujiro still hanging from his arms and he screamed while hanging up  "SHIT!" which bokuto jumped up (after putting Keijiro and Kentaro on the couch) "KEIJI NOT IN FRONT OF THE KIDS!" Bokuto Whined which was replied with a whimper from keiji because Bokuto Rarely raises his voice which was followed with a "Sorry .... hey hun What if i told you that.... I forgot about a photoshoot that I planned for us today.... For the pups too...." Bokuto's Eyes widened because Akaashi Never i mean Never misses an appointment which was surprising "Oh its fine so we gonna get ready or what" Bokuto says trying to act cool , This was interrupted with Koujiro crying because he was slipping out of Akaashi's hands which alaashi reacted fast and carried him again and Ordered Bokuto to take these 3 and play with them until akaashi is done preparing with the things they need .

(Time skip too their photoshoot place)

When they reached their and parked they just went in the building and the whole room went silent (Bokuto and akaashi is VERY VERY Infuential in the world and famous) which was instantly broken by feet running to them to which was accompanied by people asking them "Do you need tea Mi' lord? " "Do you need anything?" "Do you need an escort ?" And a lot of other erupted questions (People thirsty for their money and fame people even brag about meeting them) then the whole world was occupied by 3 babies crying the same voice which sounded like the same but megaphoned 3 times which akaashi and bokuto reacyed quickly by growling at the nose makers and comforting their pups at the same time which made all of them think 'Oh shit thats when we relized that we fucked up' after the crying died down they parent glared at the group of attwntion seeking people which they shireked and made way for them and they passed them but not before akaashi announced in a calm but terryfing voice "If anyone makes our precious pups cry we will jot hesistate to kill you , Thank you" and ge walked of leaving the whole room breathless .

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