Chapter 4

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-Bokuto POV-

It's Been 2 Months since i married the love of my life Akaashi Keiji and we moved to a bigger house , a 5 story house to be exact . I didnt really know why but Keiji said its better for the future Not that i knew what it meant.

I woke up not feeling the ball of warmth that i feel everyday in my arms and i searched eerywhere shouting "KEIJI!??" "WHERE DID YOU GO"... No reply "Weird" i said i was instantly in Emo mode trying to find my Omega and searching through a 5 story house is harder than you think but when i reached the kitchen i smelled something so heavenly that i couldve died happy, i ran to the kitchen and there he was cooking breakfast in only boxers and an Apron And it instantly turned me on.

-3rd Person PoV-

Bokuto hugged akaashi on the waist while grinding his large member on akaashi's bubbly butt , akaashi shrieked "Kyaaaa!!!" While turning around and smaking bokuto in the face with the spatula and bokuto fell down clutching his cheeck saying "Oww that hurt Keiji " Bokuto said while Pouting "Ohmagerd im so sorry Kou i just was shocked that something hard touch my butt" akaashi said while while crouching down and kissing bokuto's cheek but then realized " Why were u so excited in the morning anyways Kou!"Akaashi said while blushing and turning away back to his cooking with a "HMPH!" But bokuto stood up and explained "Well you lool so Cute and sexy in just a boxer and apron so it turned me one Keiji~" once akaashi heard this he blushed again while mumbling "Well i think .... You look hot in only boxers too" but Bokuto has owl like hearing and heard what he said and grinned from ear to ear "Oya Oya Oya Did i hear someone said i look hot in boxers ... Keiji~" Bokuto said while whispering the 'Keiji' Part in akaashi's ear which made him Shiver from the pleasure ,but he snapped out of it and said to Bokuto " Coffee is on the table with newspaper too dont diaturb me while im cooking us breakfast" Akaashi Coldy said "But but but Kei-" " No buts now go and drink your coffe before i smack you again and no more cuddling in bed " Akaashi said which made Bokuto run to the table and start drinking his coffee and reading the newspaper "Works everytime" Akaashi said as he finished making breakfast , He placed The pancakes,bacon,eggs, and syrup on different plates while preparing a special energy drink for himself and bokuto. Once he set up everything bokuto said "Hey hun, look we made the headlines on the news" Bokuto said while smiling widely "Aren't you proud of Me Keiji?" Bokuto amilled wider "No" Akaashi said brutally cold which made bokuto chock on his bacon and stood up and said "Keeeeijiiiii Whyyyyy???" Bokuto said while going to emo mode "Because i always love you and i am always proud of you no matter what" Keiji said while smilling , Bokuto instantly went out of Emo mode and bear hugged akaashi which made them both fall down to the floor . They both lied down on the floor making out clothes flying everywhere until they heard their doorbell sound *Ding Dong* they ignored it because they were in the heat of the moment but they kept pressing it *Ding Dong**Ding Dong**Ding Dong**Ding Dong**Ding Dong**Ding Dong* Bokuto growled and groaned "YEAH YEAH WE'RE COMING" they forgot to fix their hair and cover the hickeys and they opened up the door but still trying to wear their clothes and they saw Kuroo And Kenma with their 2 little pups called Eric and Elise where the boy(Eric) looks like kema but has kuroo's Hairstyle and kenma's Quiet personality, While the girl(Elise) Looks like Kuroo but has kenma's Hairstyle and a loud personality with the same god damn grin kuroo has.

When they slowly opened the door because they were still panicking from trying to wear their clothes the door got flung open with kuroo in feont and kenma behind him each holding one of their pups , "Uwncle Bwokuto" Elise said while giggling (Btw Eric ia 4 while elise is 3 ) " Hel- Oya Oya Oya Were we interupting something" Kuroo said while wiggling his eyebrows with a grin and bokuto simply said while picking up Elise "Yeah you were interupting something Very Important , Isn't that right Elise" "ya Uwncle Bwokuto" she said while laughing and an unexpected statement came out of Kenma's mouth "Were you guys trying to have Sex?" Kenma said calmy holding  Eric's Hand, Kuroo turned around and said "Kozume not around the kids!!" He exclaimed which kenma just snickered at and laughed which was rare. They let kenma and kuroo in the the house and sat down on the sofa while kenma and akaashi went to prepare tea for themselves while bokuto and kuroo talked " So what bringa you here to interupt something very important Kubro" Bokuto said while glaring at kuroo " Hehehe so you were trying to have some fun ~" and bokuto just nodded furiously "Anyways we came here to... Discuss something important... " "Which is???" "So you know hiw big this house is right ? " Kuroo said "Of courae its a private mansion tyat akaashi planned and built for 'Something in the future' whoch i dont know about " bokuto said " So we were wondering if.... Me and Kozume could stay here for a while " kuroo said with a sheepish smile "What? Why?" Well you know our house is being renovated right now and we dont have any relatives so we reached out to you , eventhough this was Kenma's idea though" kuroo said calmly " What live with you for a while ? no way u stanky and lanky and you will destroy this house DUDE! " Bokuto exclaimed , Kuroo looked shocked and replied " Well fine i was against the idea of living with A Stinky great horned owl anyways " . Kuroo and bokuto started arguing and wrestling (in a fun and playful) way screaming insults at each other .

-with akaashi and kenma-

"Hey akaashi" kenma said "Yeah kenma?" Akaashi replied " can we stay here for a while our house is being renovated Right now and we have no other place ?" kenma asked "Of course Gurl you can stay whenever you want and beside Koutaro has been bothering me anyways i need another Omega to get through this gurl"(Akaashi and kenma talks to each other in a weird way) " Thanks Queen and btw this was my idea and i also planned to do something fun here with the boys, you in?~~~" kenma said and akaashi replied instantly "O.M.G. yes gurl what we doingggg?" They shrieked together like littpe girls and kenma explained the plan " So i first need to know when is your next heat , Mine is in 3 Days ,Queen when is yours?" "Omg Same!" Thwy shrieked together again "Okay my plan is that when we reach our heat we both wake up earlt and tie both our husbands up and we make ourselves irrisistable to see and we torcher them by not letting them touch us " Kenma explained " Oohhh Kinky~ I like it"  "and since our heat last for a week ive been thinking of having another pup so im gonna conceive in this one how and yours and bokuto's First pup" kenma further said "PFFTTT What!?!" Akaashi exclaimed spitting out his tea. "Wait so u dont wanna have a pup with bokuto?" Kenma asked "Its not that i dont wanna i was just waiting for the Right time.... Whenever that is i was also waiting for Bokuto's signal" Akaashi said while fidling with his di fingers "What?!?, Right time!?! You're Financially stable , you have a big ass house , u have a good husband, what else do you need?, And Tetsurou has been telling me that Bokuto has been wanting to fuck you sensless and have a pup for 3 Months already Gurl u need to go for it" Kenma took a deep breath after saying that " Yeah i guess you're right kenma , Ok I've Decided to join in thia plan , gurl but first the living room ia getting a bit noisy so wanna scare the living crap out of them?" Akaashi said while smiling "Lets go Queen" kenma said

When thwy both reached the living room they saw bokuto and kuroo wrestling but no one was winning and akaashi just shouted "BOKUTO KOUTARO STOP FIGHTING KUROO AND GET DOWN HERE AND KNEEEEL" Bokuto froze and ran to akaashi's Feet and kneeled in front of him while kuroo was laughing but suddenly stopped when he felt a tight grip on his shoulder and slowly turned around to see kenma with an evil smile which both made Bokuto and kuroo think the same thing ' Oh shit'

(For anyone wondering Kuroo and kenma both put Eric and Elise to bed before this happened )

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