Side Story ~ 1 [First time (Smut)]

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(Hey guys this is the first side story , Feel free to reccomend anything tho and thanks for reading [this happens when akaashi and bokuto just started dating after bokuto graduated high school ] ) (Between chapter 1 and 2 if anyone wanted to know)

-Bokuto POV-

Its been exactly 6 hours since me and akaashi were dating , I must celebrate i thought to myself, We were going to have a farewell party tommorow for the volleyball club so i shouldn't go that hard hmmmm... Eh Who cares?

-3rd Person POV

After graduation bokuto invited akaashi to his family dinner since he wanted to introduce akaashi to his parents so akaashi of course accepted , But he didnt know that Bokuto was planning everything To get akaashi in bed and moaning .

The drive home was a uncomfortable silence because bokuto was too nervous too talk to akaashi much less have faith in his plan, And akaashi was just weirded out at why bokuto was so quiet so he glanced at bokuto and saw that he had a fricking Boner.

Akaashi facepalmed which made Bokuto jump and said "Akaashi w-why'd y-you do that?" Bokuto said while keeping his eyes on the road and gulped "Care to explain your little friend Bokuto-san?!?" Akaashi blurted out which bokuto was confused at but pulled over and parked succesfuly infront of his house "W-what do you m-m-mean my little friend " akaashi just sighed and pointed to Bokuto's crotch where bokuto stared at his semi-erect member and became flustered " Uh uhm uhh *Sigh* I WAS HAVING DIRTY THOUGHT ABOUT YOU" Bokuto covered his mouth after screaming that out loud and looked over at akaashi who just left the car and approached Bokuto's House without saying anything "W-wait Akaashi please im sorry don't break up with me i just wanted to have sex because you were so hot" Bojuto facepalmed again when he rushed up to akaaahi.

Akaashi opened the lock and stepped inside and went up the stairs and stopped in the middle "W-well i dont think sex is that bad" And ran up the stairs and went into Bokuto's Bedroom

Bokuto stood there with a Buddha face frozen until he replayed what akaashi said and went wide eyed and ran upstairs too and opened the door to see akaashi already naked and cleaned waiting "W-what took y-you so long Bokuto-san" Bokuto just smirked and said "Keiji we are dating now shouldnt you call me Koutaro, We're about to have sex god dammit" at those last words akaashi erupted with a furious blush and said "I-its my first time so be gentle" akaashi layed his back the bed and started spreading his ass out revealing his slick (omega self lubricant) which made bokuto snap and jumo on top of him somehow u dressing mid air and started attacking Akaashi's neck which bokuto soon found Akaashi's sweet spot which made him moan "AhhAhh~ " Bokuto reacted by sucking and biting the sane spot over and over again until he got hard enough "Ready Keiji~?" "Wait wait let me relax ahhh~" "Hmmmm... Yeah No!" And with that Bokuto shoved his whole 12' (he still growing) inside akaashi which made akaashi arch his back both in pain and pleasure "Ahhhh K-kou right there~" Akaashi spoke which Bokuto knew he hit Akaashi's Prostate.

Bokuto kept ramming Akaashi like there was no tommorow forgetting about everything and only thinking about akaashi.

Aftet a while Bokuto ordered Akaashi to turn around which he loved getting ordered by bokuto so he followed and bokuto grooped Akaashi's ass which made him moan , Bokuto took this as a chance and shoved His tounge inside akaashi's mouth and swirled and fought over dominance which he won easily.

The feeling of having his ass being pounded and the taste of Bokuto's saliva was too much and akaashi came onto bokuto's bed which made Akaashi's hoke tighten "Nghh D-dont thighten so s-suddenly " Bokuto Flipoed his head back making a relieved sigh while cumming inside Akaashi.

Akaaahi turned around after Bokuto pulled out which his bare chest was instantly met with Bokuto's face "Phew not a bid first time HEY HEY HEY I'm not a virgin anymore" bokuto screamed louudly which was shut hy akaashi kissing Bokuto's Forehead and ruffling his hair "Yeah it felt amazing" akaashi said while smiling which made bokuto regenerated with energy and jump up an now on all fours on top of akaashi " Keijiii~ Round 2? Pweaseeeee" Bokuto begged "NO!!! Im too tired plus you didn't go easy on me " bokuto pouted "B-But i think i have sone energy to spare " Which made bokuto look up and smilled and started attacking akaashi again 'Im gonna regret this in tommorow's farewell party'

(Next day at the party)

At the party he was limping and Kept falling so much people nicknamed him Mr.Limp /Limping master "Uhhh may i ask what happened to you Akaashi-San?" konoha asked while pointing at Akaashi's New found Hickey "Bokuto fucked me very hard With his 12" Cock and pounded me until i couldn't walk and i quote 'Ill fuck you till you cant walk Keiji' yesterday for the first time" the whole gym went quiet and a plastic cup dropped "He begged me to go for more than 5 rounds so he went for 10" Everyone turned their heads towards bokuto giving glares which bokuto just gulped at and started backing up into a corner "It was my first time too" the glares got worse and started coming too bokuto faster "It felt addicting tho" Everyone froze again and looked back to see akaashi had turned to cover his blush . Bokuto just smirked and said "Hehe thats how you get out of this situation" "Oh BTW guys you can give him a beating as much as you guys want " bokuto gulped and started running with his hand abovw his head "AAAAAAAHHHHH!!"

The End.

(Sorry if bad thanks for reading tho)

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