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Marinette wished that getting to hold Adrien's hand came under better circumstances.

" Are you okay? Did he hurt you at all?" Adrien asked, worried. They were seated in the back of a car on their way to Adrien's house, Adrien clutching her hand in his to comfort her. When Adrien had called her before he pulled up, he told her that Chat Noir had asked him to take her in for the time being. He had really gone all out for her. She was surprised he had convinced Gabriel Agreste to harbor her until further notice.

Adrien's voice shook her out of thought, " Just think of it as a sleepover." he said softly. Marinette was thankful to Adrien for trying to make her feel better, but she didn't want to look him in the eye for fear of seeing the akuma's gaze in his.

Gabriel and Marinette had tried to contact her parents before anything was agreed to, but they didn't pick up. When she looked for them, all she found was her father's wedding band on the floor. That was likely what had sealed the deal for Gabriel. If the villain had done something to her parents, there's no telling what he would do to her.

The car came to a stop once it was inside the gate. Marinette had quickly taken a few things with her. She had grabbed her school bag, having insisted she didn't want to be a sitting duck in the mansion, and the akuma probably wouldn't expect it. Some pajamas and day clothes were packed, along with a few things to keep her mind off the akuma hunting her.

" Do you want me to hold your school bag?" Adrien offered, to which Marinette shook her head no. Adrien's expression was one of worry and slight pity. He wanted Marinette to feel safe. He wanted to make sure his friend was as happy and vibrant as ever.

Both of the teens stepped out of the car and walked into the mansion, Adrien's bodyguard and Nathalie flanking them on both sides. Marinette looked around the roomy manor as she stepped in. The space was very open, with no space to hide. For Chat Blanc, and for her.

Gabriel Agreste was waiting for them at the top of the stairs, " Ms. Dupain-Cheng," he began, " You will be sleeping in our guest room due to your situation. You will stay with Adrien at all times. I will hire extra security to guard the school against any threats."

Marinette didn't really know how to respond at first, so she simply nodded and said " Thank you, Mr. Agreste."

" Nathalie will help you unpack. It's getting late, and both of you should get some rest." Gabriel concluded. He vanished into his study without another word.

Nathalie turned to Marinette and simply said, " We should go. I'll show you your room." and started walking, leaving Marinette with no other choice but to follow. Nathalie opened Marinette's small bag of clothes and started folding them, putting them away in large drawers that made the quantity of clothes seem even smaller, and by extension, Marinette.

Adrien retired to his room. He said he would protect her, but she's in a whole other room with nothing but a pillow against a ruthless supervillain with a clear bloodlust.

Marinette was soon left alone in her hollow guest room. She curled up under the soft covers, hiding herself under them as if it would save her should Chat Blanc find his way into the room. She spent what felt like hours cowering in bed before she heard a quiet knock from the other side of the door.

" M-Marinette? It's me..." Adrien's soft voice whispered. The door cracked open and Adrien poked his head into the room, prompting Marinette to peek out from the safety of the blanket. His face looked like that of a shy child coming to tell his parents he had a bad dream. He spoke again, " I feel awful leaving you in here alone. Would it be better if you stayed with me tonight?" he asked.

Marinette sat up, the blanket falling onto her lap, " Y-Yeah... I'll stay with you." she agreed quietly. She went up to him, and he gently took her shaking hand in his.

Adrien and Marinette tiptoed as they made their way to the former's bedroom. She felt herself breathe easier here, mostly because she trusted Chat Noir's judgement on who would keep her safe when they were actually there with her.

Adrien looked around for something he could do with Marinette to calm her down after shaking under a blanket for half an hour. He turned to her, " Want to do something before we sleep?"

Marinette thought a bit. It felt like ages since the last time she had played video games. She leaned in to whisper, " Maybe a rematch of Ultimate Mecha Strike 3?"

Adrien nodded happily, anything to get her mind off the danger that lurked so much closer than they thought. The danger that was watching them at that very moment.

He really did love Marinette. He wanted to have his happy bugaboo back, the girl that would always make him macaroons and invite him to sit with her while she sewed. If he had to take her, so be it. She was close enough now to just reach out and grab her. He wanted to so, so badly. Blanc wrapped his arms around his stomach, holding back a pained hiss. His gaze shifted to Marinette. His heart felt like it was trying to shatter his ribcage, shriveled and twisted, hollow and starving. 

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