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A simple quarrel between lovers. That was all it took to bring the little black butterfly into the sky from the topmost window of the Agreste mansion. That little black butterfly would soon resurrect a great evil. An evil so terrible and destructive, it had to be forced out of existence and memory through the manipulation of the very fabric and flow of time. As they say, the wave of a moth's wing can set off a cataclysm.

A man's scream ricocheted off of the walls of a street, " LEAVE ME ALONE!" he cried out as he tried to back away from his akumatized wife.

" Never! I, Pathosine, will destroy you and anyone who dares defy their loved ones!" The villain roared, waving her sword in the air.

The sword came crashing down, cutting right through the man, turning his eyes hollow as he stood up, " Yes, dear..." his empty voice droned.

It was not even a minute before Ladybug was on the scene. But, she was unaccompanied. She allowed herself only a second to look around, but she could not see Chat Noir anywhere. There was no time to wonder about missing cats, and she would concentrate better without his relentless flirting and puns anyway.

Ladybug broke down the problem while she followed Pathosine, unseen from the rooftops. The akuma was most likely the sword it was holding, as its shape reminded her of a butter knife. The more a weapon resembles a regular object, the more likely it is that the akuma is hiding there. She readied her yo-yo, it would be more difficult to destroy the weapon without Chat's cataclysm, but she'd had to fight both Chat and an akuma at the same time more times than she could count, so it couldn't be that hard.

Ladybug sprang from the rooftop, tossing her yo-yo so that its wire coiled around the sword. But Pathosine was fast, and whipped around to bat her away with the flat of the sword. Ladybug was sent flying into a lamppost, the string of her yo-yo falling out of her hands as she careened through the air.

As she hit the lamppost at full speed, she heard a familiar voice cry out " LADYBUG!" as a large black blur landed in front of her once she hit the ground. Ladybug felt herself being scooped up into warm arms as she recovered from the hit.

Chat Noir had finally arrived. Before now, he had tried to just pop back at his house, but he saw that Nathalie was looking for him in his room. It looked like his phone had died and stopped the recording of his 'piano practice' that had been playing in his room. He had been waiting for her to leave, but she just stayed there as if waiting for him to show up and explain himself. By then, he had realized that an akuma was attacking and he had to go help Ladybug.

" Are you okay, Milady?" he asked as he tried to get her to respond.

" I'm okay, Chaton. Put me down, okay?" she replied. In a second, she was back on her feet, but the akuma was gone. Ladybug groaned as she tried to find her yo-yo, but it was gone. " The akuma must have taken my yo-yo. We have to get it back if we want to fix all of this."

" In the meantime, I will gladly provide milady's transportation." he offered smugly, holding out his hand. She wrapped her arm around his shoulders and held on as he used his staff to get them the higher ground and go after the akuma. Ladybug surveyed the ground for any trace of the villain, and more importantly, her yo-yo.

As soon as Ladybug saw Pathosine, she dropped from Chat Noir's hold and landed behind the akuma, pointing silently at its sword. Chat nodded and went in for the drop, letting out a battle cry of " CATACLYSM!" as he fell, his left hand outstretched as his power activated. Thinking fast, the akuma flung Ladybug's magic yo-yo, getting it to wrap around Chat Noir's leg. He cried out in surprise as Pathosine swung him around in a circle. The dark, destructive energy around his hand wove a blackened path as it soared towards Ladybug as she rushed forward to help him.

Time seemed to slow as he felt their fingers touch and the power leave his hand. He had to witness his precious lady freeze up, suit and skin alike turning a color of metallic rust as her body ceased to move forever.

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