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When Adrien's locker swung open, all he saw was a flash of brunette hair before something fell out of his locker. The top of it fell into Adrien's chest, and it felt slightly damp all of a sudden. Then, the thing fell over onto the floor, the door of Marinette's locker keeping it from landing in front of her feet. Adrien stood there, frozen in shock and terror. His gaze traveled downward. He'd recognize Lila's hairstyle anywhere.

He couldn't even scream when he saw the intestines shoved down the corpse's throat, the scratched out eyes, the ruined throat so she couldn't scream, the emptied stomach carved wide open with the shredded lungs visible, hanging down by a thread of flesh and exposed by the visible fragments of a ribcage. The dampness on Adrien's shirt was blood.

Marinette turned her head to look, and let out a bloodcurdling scream when she saw Lila Rossi's corpse. Adrien was completely frozen, the happiness they had held for such as short period in time broke into a million tiny pieces the instant the dead body hit the ground. Chat Blanc decided that now would be his time to strike. The white-clad supervillain bounded down from the rooftops, landing right next to the petrified boy.

The white staff swung back before Adrien could register who was beside him. Someone pushed him away before he could make a swing for the blonde's head. Chat Blanc stumbled back, his boot landing on Lila's exposed spine. He made hard contact with the bloodied walls of Adrien's locker, losing even more of his balance on the pool of blood on the metal panel at the bottom. Adrien took a chance to shut the locker, locking the cat inside. 

Chat Blanc pounded at the locker door, rage burning him at his core. He had been so close, so gut-wrenchingly close, to ending Chat Noir. Adrien took Marinette by the hand, turning to the others, " Go! Hide in the classrooms! Barricade the windows and doors!" then, he sprinted as fast as he could out of the school, with Marinette struggling to keep up. They only managed to get a few paces out the door when they could hear Chat Blanc's roar, " STOP! BRING HER BACK!"

It took only one look behind her for Marinette's adrenaline to increase tenfold. He was coming after them. They managed to make it down the stairs before they started losing ground quickly. Two normal people couldn't outrun a supervillain, no matter how hard they tried. Neither could one normal person, but Adrien got a plan.

" RUN!" he shouted as he let go of Marinette's hand, darting in the other direction. Marinette's heart nearly stopped when she saw Chat Blanc's first steps be in her direction, but it seemed that the cat reconsidered and pivoted towards Adrien.

Adrien wasn't running.

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