3 Taekook

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As Jimin starts packing his belongings Yoongi bangs on the door.

Yoongi-"Please Baby! Unlock the door so we can talk!"

Jimin-"T-Talk to your new boyfriend!"

Yoongi-"Are you crying?! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to do it! I just... hes not my boyfriend I promise!"

Jimin-"Don't make promises you can't keep bitch!"

Jimin-"Ah! I'm sorry I didn't mean to say a bad word!"

Yoongi-"Jimin your to innocent to be on your own! Unlock the door and we can just talk"

Jimin opens the door slowly revealing the tears streaming down his face.

Yoongi tries to hug him but Jimin stops him.

Jimin-"Don't notice me"

Jimin disappears from Yoongis sight.


Jimin continues packing and leaves without Anyone seeing him.

As he walks out he hears Hoseok say something to Yoongi.

Hosoek-"Well he's gone now so let's continue daddy"

Jimin ran as far away from them as he could.

Someone approaches him even though he said not to notice him.

Jungkook-"I'm Jungkook. You a new one?"

Jimin-"Excuse me? New one?"

Jungkook-"New vampire I mean"

Jimin-"Vampire..." It made sense... the not needing to breath... the way he could hear extra well... could disappear....

Jungkook-"Yep! I'm one too don't worry. Are you going somewhere?"


Jungkook-"Come with me! I live just across the city with my boyfriend. He's a vampire too"

Jimin-"I don't want to be in your way. Anyway I'm a little so I can get very annoying..."

Jungkook-"Your a little?! Please come with us! Tae loves littles! There so cute!"

Jimin-"Really? I guess I could..." Jungkook grabs his hand and brings him into a car.

Jimin felt like he was being kidnapped.

Jungkook-"So tell me about yourself"

Jimin-"Err... my names Park Jimin... my boyfriend cheated on me in the space of a week..."


Jimin-"Ya.. I woke up in a coffin and heard him crying so I dug my way out and went to our apartment to find him kissing someone new"

Jungkook-"Awww I'm so sorry"

Taehyung-"Whos this?"

Jimin starts getting shy and covers his hands with his oversized hoodie.

Jungkook-"This is Jimin. He needs a place to stay..."

Taehyung-"Oh" Taehyung looks away annoyed.

Jungkook-"Hes little"

Taehyung looks up immediately.

Taehyung-"*gasp* Really?! Yay!"

Jimin starts blushing.

Taehyung-"Awww your cute when you blush!"

Jungkook brings Jimins bags into a different room.

Taehyung-"So what happened? You look sad"

Jimin-"My boyfriend cheated on me..."

Taehyung-"What?! How could someone cheat on someone as adorable as you?!"

Jimin giggles and smiles.

Taehyung-"I'm guessing your... one of us?"

Jimin-"Vampire? Are they even real?"

Taehyung-"Want me to prove it?" He shows a terrifying smile.

Jimin-"N-No!" Taehyung takes a step closer and Jimin jumps.

He takes another step and Jimin runs away. Taehyung chases after him and eventually catches up to him.

Jimin-"Ah!" Jimin covers his eyes with the ends of his hoodie as he feels Taehyungs hands under his arms.

Taehyung picks him up and cuddles him into his shoulder.

Taehyung-"You don't ever have to be scared of me"

Jimin was still frightened so his snuggles his face into Taehyungs neck and wraps his legs around him.

Jimin-"You swong!"

Taehyung-"Yep. Vampires have extra strength"

Jimin yawns and falls asleep in Taehyungs arms.

Taehyung-"Good night" He slightly sways side to side as he walks back to Jungkook.

Jungkook-"Awww is he asleep?"

Taehyung-"Ya. I think he changed into little space"

Jungkook-"Hes so cute when he's asleep"

Taehyung carefully lays Jimin onto the couch.

Jungkook-"I can't understand how someone could ever cheat in this bundle of fluff"

Taehyung nods in agreement.

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