4 Coat

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Jungkook-"Tae-aahh.. you'll wake J-Jimin..."

Taehyung continued thrusting roughly into Jungkook.

Taehyung-"Well then I guess your just have to stay quiet Kook" Taehyung goes faster and faster until he starts choking Jungkook to make it worse.

Jungkook was gasping for air as he slipped in and out of consciousness.

Jungkook pulls at Taehyungs hands trying to get a breath.

Taehyung holds him a bit longer and then loosens his grip.

Jungkook-"Ahhhh... F-Faster... Tae.."

Taehyung-"Thats not my name kookie"

Jungkook-"Please T-Taehyung..mmm"

Taehyung kisses Jungkooks neck and ends up biting into him making him scream.

Jungkook-"Daddy! Ugh!~

Taehyung-"I love hearing you scream and moan for me. Only me" He smirks.

Taehyung pulls out.

Jungkook collapses.

Taehyung-"Not able to stand cutie?"

Jungkook-"No... can y-you help?"

Taehyung-"Hhhmmm do you deserve help?"

Jungkook-"Yes, please daddy!" Jungkook tries to use the wall for support but can't.

Taehyung-"Fine I'll help you" He picks Jungkook up and holds him a simalar way to Jimin but with Jungkook facing him and his legs around Taehyungs waist.

Taehyung could feel Jungkooks dick against his abs twitch.

Jungkook presses it in harder noticing Taehyung likes it.

Taehyung-"Don't tease me sugar unless you want another round"

Jungkook does it again.

Taehyung-"Oh your in for it"

Jungkook-"No! I didn't mean it! Please I don't want to do it again!"

They both hear small knocks on their bedroom door.

Taehyung-"Fuck! It's Jimin!"

Jimin-"Can Jimin come in Pwease?" He slightly opens the door and peaks his head in but before he can see anything he throws the naked Jungkook into the wardrobe and pulls his pants up quickly.

Taehyung-"Hey Jimin"

Jimin-"Err... Jimin hwungy..." He looks at his feet.

Taehyung-"Of course! I'll get you something in a few minutes. Why don't you go watch TV for a while? Then Tae will get you something to eat"

Jimin-"Okey!" He waddles off to watch TV.

Jungkook crawls out of the wardrobe wearing all lace and fish nets.

Taehyung-"Oh sugar, did I ever tell you what a slut you are?"

Taehyung pushes Jungkook onto his knees and pulls down his pants, shoving his cock down the youngest throat.

Jimin walks in again.

Jimin-"I can't fwind wemote-... E-Eh neked!" Jimin runs back out of the room scared.

Jungkook was still choking on Taehyuungs cock.

Taehyung-"Great we've officially scarred an innocent child" He pulls out of Jungkook and pulls his boxers and pants up again.

Jungkook quickly gets into normal clothes and struggles to walk properly but eventually gets the hang of it. 

They both go out to find Jimin squeezing a pillow close to his chest and his head buried in it.


Jimin looks up.

Taehyung-"Err we're sorry about earlier. Are you ok?"

Jimin nods.

Jimin-"Jimin was Yoonie neked once... he got in twouble..."

Jungkook-"What if we make it up to you? Do you have any little items?"

Jimin-"Cwan Jimin gwet plushie? Pwease?"

Taehyung-"Sure! Well bring you to get a plushie now"

Jimin-"Yay!" Jimin skips happily to get his shoes on.

Jungkook-"Remember to bring your coat!"

Jimin-"Mmm-mmm! Jimin no want coat!"

Jungkook-"If you want to get a plushie you have to bring it"

Jimin stomps his foot on the ground.

Jimin-"No! Fwuck you!"

Jimin crosses his arms and turns away from them both.

Taehyung-"Fine no teddy"

Jimin-"Jimin sowy fow cwusing *sniff*"

Jimin runs back to Jungkook and cries into his shoulder.

Jungkook-"Ssshh it's ok! Just don't curse anymore ok?"

Jimin-"Okay... Jimin sowy *sniff*"

Jungkook-"You still want to go get a plushie?"

Jimin nods and let's go of Jungkook.

Taehyung bends down until he's at Jimins height.

He wipes a tear from Jimins cheek.

Taehyung-"Wipe your tears and show the world what a big boy you are" He smiles and Jimin smiles back.

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