17 Beomgyu

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Later that night Taehyung and Jungkook decided to take Jimin out to dinner. He was in big space and unusually quiet.

Taehyung-"So how was Jin and Joon?"

Jimin-"Good" He continue to stare out the window of into the night.

Taehyung-"I hear you were coloring, can I see what you drew?"

Jimin gives him his paper.

Taehyung-"Awww that's cute!"


The three were sitting in silence not knowing what to say.
Usually they would be talking to Jimin but he didn't seem... himself... today.

Jungkook-"Is something wrong baby? Your very quiet"

Jimin-"Where were you today?"


Jungkook-"We were.. clothes shopping?..."

Jimin-"Ok..." He knew they were lying and was getting worried.

Jungkook-"Why is something wrong?"

Jimin-"You still want me right? You still love me?... Your not just keeping me for the sake of it?..."

Taehyung-"What sort of question is that?! Of course we love you! We love you more then anything in the world! Why would you think differently?"

Jimin-"You weren't shopping to today"

Jungkook-"Well..." He looks at Taehyung.

At home Jimin was in his room cuddling a pillow trying to convince himself that he was still loved...

*knock knock*

"Can I come in? It's Taehyung"


Taehyung enters holding someone's hand.

Taehyung-"This is Beomgyu! Hes-"

Jimin-"Your new boyfriend. I knew it"

Taehyung-"No of course not! He's a hybrid! Namjin asked us to pick him up! Their new friends with him and I thought you would like to meet him!"

Jimin-"Hybrid?" He looks at Beomgyu weirdly.


Taehyung-"Hes a bear hybrid, which means he is half bear and half human"

Jimin-"Oh o-ok..."

Taehyung-"Why don't you two play together for a while and me and Jungkook will... Er... tidy! Ya tidy!"

Jimin-"Your a miserable liar Tae"

Taehyung leaves without responding.

Beomgyu-"Hi! I'm Beaomgyu..."


Beomgyu-"Your a little arent you?"

Jimin nods and starts getting distracted on his phone.

Beomgyu hops on the bed and crawls beside Jimin.

Beomgyu-"What are you doing?"

Jimin-"Texting a friend"

Beomgyu-"But TaeTae said you don't have friends-"

Jimin-"Shut up! Only I can call him TaeTae!"


Jimin continues scrolling through social media.

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