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Later that night, Jungkook was leaving butterfly kisses around Jimins ear and neck.
Taehyung was slowly fingering into Jimin.

Jimin-"Mmmm...." Jungkook moves up to Jimins soft lips and was now swirling his tongue around in Jimins mouth exploring every corner.

Taehyung-"Do you want to try a new position baby?"


Jungkook kneels on the bed and lines Jimins mouth with his cock.

Taehyung pulled up Jimins hips and continues fingering.

Jimin starts choking slightly on Jungkook.

After a few minutes Jungkook comes and it runs down Jimins throat.

Jimin sucks more and uses his tongue to try pleasure Jungkook.
He licks down a vein and Jungkook groans.

Taehyung lines himself up and slowly pushes into Jimin.

Jimin-"Ug-Ugh! More..."

Taehyung goes faster trying to impress his baby.

Jimins sweet moans soon fill the room.

Taehyung-"I love hearing you moan babyboy"

Taehyung hits Jimins sweetspot causing him moan louder.

Jimin-"I-I'm gonna cum!"

Taehyung-"Hold it until I say baby" He smirks teasing him more by hitting that same spot again and again.

Jimin-"B-But T-Tae!"

Taehyung-"Just a bit longer baby"

Jungkook bucks forward choking Jimin even more and cums again.

Jimin pulls off of Jungkook so he can breath easier.

Jimin-"Tae pl-please! Let me come!"


Jimin came all over the bed and Taehyung pulled out finally.


Taehyung-"Did you enjoy that baby?"

Jimin nods and starts getting into his pajamas.
He crawls onto the bed and under the covers with Taehyung and Jungkook one either side of him.

They all intertwine their arms and legs together and slowly fall asleep.


That night Jimin wakes up still close to his Daddy's.

Jimin doesn't want to move because he was comfortable. Until he realized both of them were still naked!

Yes, he had just had sex with them but... still!

He tries to move but they were to heavy..

He didn't want to wake them but... It doesn't matter. He'd just fall back asleep soon.

But then he needed to sneeze... shoot...

Jimin tries to hold it but couldn't.


Jungkook jumps awake.

Jimin-"Ah! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! Sorry!"

Jungkook-"Ssshh it's ok!" Jungkook sits up and Jimin follows him.

Jungkook-"Do you want something to drink to help you sleep again?"

Jimin nods.

Jimin-"Yes please"

Jungkook quickly gets dressed and brings Jimin out to the kitchen.

Jungkook-"Glass or sippy cup?"

Jimin-"Sippy cup please" He hops onto the counter swinging his legs.

Jungkook-"Here you go" He gives him and cup of warm milk and he happily sucks on it.

Jimin-"Mmm... Thank you Kook"

Jungkook-"No problem bub. Also... we have to mind Beomgyu again... Namjoon and Jin have something serious coming up..."

Jimin-"Ok. If im bratty to him again don't be afraid to punish me again" He smirks.

Jungkook knows what he's doing and plays along.

Jungkook-"Does my baby like being treated like the bratty slut he is?"

Jimin blushes.


Jungkook-"I'll make sure if your bratty to punish you bad" He runs down Jimins crotch.

Jimin was getting sort of excited and nervous.

Jungkook-"When your finished your milk you can follow me back into our room" He smiles all signs of teasing gone.

Jimin quickly sucks out the rest of his milk and skips in to find Jungkook again.

Jimin-"Kook?" It was dark so his eyes had to adjust.

Jungkook-"I'm here baby" He holds out his arms and Jimin runs into them hugging him.

Jimin giggles and quickly kisses Jungkook and buries his head head into Jungkooks neck.

Jungkook-"Good night bubby"

Jimin-"Night Night"

A/N: 400+ Reads?! Thank you!!

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