11 Namjin

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Jimin-"Why Jimin come wif Najoon?"

Namjoon-"We need to cure you"

Jimin-"We? There mowe pwetty man?"

Namjoon-"Yep. My husband and I have a cure for vampires"

Jimin-"B-But Jimin no wanna die! He-He vampire! No no cwure me!" Jimin starts crying over not wanting to die.

Namjoon-"Sssshh! You won't die! I promise! You can be human again"

Jimin-"*sniff* Wh-What if tae and kookie not wan Jimin anymwore?..."

Namjoon stops outside a huge house and brings Jimin inside.

Seokjin-"Whos this Joon?"

Namjoon-"This is Jimin"

Jimin hides behind Namjoon nervously.

Seokjin-"Park Jimin?! Hey you don't have to be shy sweetie. Why don't we go get some food?"

Seokjin holds out his hand and Jimin nervously takes it.

Seokjin-"So what would you like to eat? We have pasta, rice, chicken, s-"

Jimin-"Cookie! Jimin wike cookies!" He squeals.

Seokjin-"We have to eat something healthy first and then we can have a cookie"

Jimin-"B-But Jimin want cookie now!" He raises his voice and stomps his foot.

Seokjin-"Dont raise your voice. We can have a cookie if you eat all your dinner"

Jimin crosses his arms and turns away, pouting.
He mumbles something to himself.

Seokjin-"What was that?"

Jimin-"Fwuck you...."

Seokjin-"Why don't you go upstairs to Namjoon? I'll make you dinner" He smiles warmingly at him as he runs off upstairs sighing at the child.

Jimin-"Najoon? Where are you?"

Namjoon-"I'm in here!" He shouts from a room across the hall.

Jimin skips along to him.  

Just as he walks in he slips back out of littlespace.

Jimin-"hey..." He looks at Namjoon worryingly.

Namjoon-"Oh your out of littlespace... I'm Namjoon"

Jimin-"Thanks for fucking asking for my permission to take me!!"

Namjoon-"Oh we bought you don't worry"

Jimin-"Dont worry?! Buying me doesn't make it better!"

Namjoon-"Actually it does make it better because you were supposed to be sold as a slave"

Jimin-"Slave for what?!"


Jimin shivers.

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