18 Wattpad

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Jimin lets out a small yawn and crawls out of bed. Beomgyu wasn't here...
He waddles out to find his boyfriends.

Jimin-"kookie?" He was rubbing his eye with his fists.

Jungkook-"Hey bubby! Did you sleep well?"

Jimin nods and makes grabby hands for Jungkook to pick him up.

Jungkook effortlessly lifts him into his arms where Jimin lays in his shoulder.

Jimin-"B-Bearie hewe?"

Jungkook-"No bearie went home a few minutes ago"

Jimin-"Ok... *yawn*"

Jungkook-"You were a good boy last night. I think i promised you something"

Jimin-"Oh ya! TaeTae said if Jimin sweep with Bearie he can have anything want!"

Jungkook-"We'll get you anything you want, but let's get you breakfast first"

Jimin-"Jimin habe miwk?"

Jungkook-"I'll get you some milk now" He sits Jimin on the couch and pours some milk into a sippy cup.

Jimin-"Twank you!" Jimin happily sucks on his milk with Jungkook beside him.


A while later Taehyung comes out if his room and Jimin was in big space.

Taehyung-"Hey bub, I think I promised you something for sleeping with Beomgyu. So what do you want baby?"

Jimin-"Hhmmm.... can I sleep with you both please?"

Taehyung-"Baby you sleep in your bed every night already!"

Jimin-"No I don't mean that... I want to sleep with both of you. But not like a punishment... Like a couple. But with three of us...."

Jungkook and Taehyung look at each other.

Taehyung-"I mean... if you really want to baby..."

Jimin-"Yes please"

Jungkook-"Ok. We'll go carefully tonight for you baby" He kisses Jimins cheek lightly.

Taehyung-"But remember dont do anything you dont want to"

Jimin-"No I want to. I've read about other people in books and movies and it sounds like they love each other a lot"

Jungkook-"You've read about people doing it?!"

Jimin-"Ya when I was in little space I stole my phone when you took it from me and downloaded this app that has fanfics on it. And some of them...."

Jungkook-"Whats the app called?!"


Taehyung-"Can I have your phone for a minute?

Jimin-"Ok..." Jimin hands him the phone and Taehyung looks for the app.


Jimin nods nervously.

A few minutes of Taehyung reading the story's he goes pale.


Jimin-"Which one?"

Taehyung-"*ship name* Smut 18+?!"

Jimin-"Oh ya.... I forgot about that one..."


Jimin-"Sorry Tae..."

Taehyung-"Dont read this stuff anymore baby"

Jimin-"Why? You've done all of that to me already"

Taehyung freezes realizing he did everything that was in the story....

Taehyung-"O-Oh... anyway still dont read it"

Jimin-"Your not my parent Tae...

Taehyung-"Yes I am. basically when your little"

Jimin-"I guess. And you spoil me" He smiles.

Taehyung-"Exactly" He smiles back.

A/N: Sorry this is short 😅

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