5 Toy store

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Taehyung and Jungkook were walking behind Jimin holding hands.

Jimin-"It's dwark! Dwark scawy!" He runs back to Taekook and hold both their hands.

Jungkook-"Your so cute!"

Jimin giggles at the attention.

They all go into a toy store together.

Worker-"How can I help you?"

Jimin-"Plushie Pwease!"

The worker stares down at him weirdly.

Taehyung stares back at them making them uncomfortable.

Worker-"Err this way please" They lead them to the toy aisle.

Jungkook-"Thank you. You can pick out one now Jimin"

Jimin looks up at the tall shelf of plushies.

Jimin-"Woouuww" He picks you a few and hugs them all to see which ones the most comfortable.

Jimin-"Hhmmm... Jimin wike bunny aannd twiger"

Taehyung-"The tigers the cutest"

Jungkook-"No the bunny is"



Jimin was just watch them argue over which ones better.

As they were distracted he runs into a different aisle holding both plushies.

He bumps into someone while running.




Hoseok-"Well arent you supposed to be dead?"
He grabs Jimins plushies out of his hands.

Jimin-"Hey!" He tries to take them back but was to short.

Hoseok-"Baby brat" He puts the plushies in a higher shelf.

Hoseok-"Why don't we go get another one?"

Jimin-"N-No! You meanie!"

Hoseok grabs Jimin by his hair and forces him to look up at him.

Hoseok-"Come with me NOW you brat!" He tries to drag Jimin along bit Jimin starts kicking him and runs back to Taekook.


Jimin-"Scawy man! Yoonie boyfwend! He take plushies and pull Jimin hair!" Jimin was about to cry.

Taehyung-"What?! Where is he?!"

Jimin points to where Hoseok was and they both go off to find him.

Hoseok-"Looking for me?" He taps Jimins shoulder.

Jimin looks for Taehyung and Jungkook but they were already gone.

Jimin whimpers.

Hoseok-"Come on let's get you back to Yoongi will we? He wants you back Jimin" He smiles.


Jimin switches back to normal.

Hoseok-"Yoongi misses your kisses and hugs Jimin"

Jimin-"The fuck?!" Jimin slap Hoseok across his face and runs the opposite direction to find Taekook.

Jimin-"Tae? Kook?"

He turns a corner and finds them.



Jungkook-"I think we should go back home since Hoseoks here. Do you quickly want to get your plushie?"


Jungkook-"Oh your not little anymore"


Jimin was sitting on the couch beside Taehyung and Jungkook.

Jungkook-"I never asked but what age are you Jimin?"


Taehyung-"YOUR EIGHTEEN?!"

Jungkook-"Wow! Your younger then I expected!"

Taehyung-"I'm twenty two and Jungkook is twenty one"

Jungkook-"What age is Yoongi?"

Jimin-"Hes nineteen"

Jimin yawns quietly.

Jungkook-"Well that was the cutest yawn I've ever heard"

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