35 Taehyung

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Jennie skips back out of her room holding Taehyungs credit card.

Jennie-"Here! I also bought a few extra things... and maxed your credit card"

"Bitch" Is all Taehyung could think.

Taehyung-"Fine. I'm going somewhere ill be back in a few hours"

Jennie-"Ok daddy"


Taehyung was standing outside Jimin and Jungkooks apartment door.
He was debating whether or not to knock...

Taehyung-"I shouldn't be here..."
He could overhear Jimin and Jungkooks conversation.

Jimin-"tae here!"

Jungkook-"No he's not here. He's with Jennie..."

Jimin-"Yesh he is!"

Jungkook-"Baby even if he was how would you be able to tell?"

Taehyung heard Jimins feet pattering across the floor.
Jimin opens the door and points directly at Taehyung.


Jungkook-"See he's not th-.... Tae?..."


Jungkook-"Why are you here?" He tried to sound mad but he could see the sadness is his eyes.

Taehyung-"Ah... I wanted to apologize properly to Jimin"

Jimin-"tae come back?"

Taehyung-"No I'm not coming back baby... I mean Jimin...."

Jimin sits on the floor infront of Taehyung, and hugs into his legs, not letting him go.

Taehyung wiggles trying to get free but it doesn't work.

Taehyung-"Come on bab-Jimin I just came here to apologize I have to go"


Taehyung-"Jimin I'm sorry but I can't come back"

Jimin-"Come home tae!!! We miss you...."

Taehyung eventually wiggles his way out of Jimins grab.

Taehyung-"Goodbye" Taehyung walks back towards the exit.

But Jimin sprints after him to stop him.


Taehyung-"Jimi-" He's interrupted by Jimin swinging him around and kissing him.


Taehyung was sitting in his car regretting every decision he ever made.

Taehyung-"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck "

He hears a knock on his car window. It was Jimin...
Taehyung slowly rolls down the window.

Jimin-"I'm sowy fo kissing you.... but pwease stay wif us!"


Jimin-"Wait... what?! Weally?!"

Taehyung-"Yes. I'm so sorry for leaving you and saying all those stuff to you! I didn't mean any of it I promise"

Jimin opens the door and drags Taehyung out.

Someone comes up behind them and taps on Jimins shoulder.

Jimin-"Huh?... Jonghyun!!"

Jonghyun-"Hey cutie! Who's this?" He looks at Taehyung.

Jimin-"Dis is Tae!"

Jonghyun gives Taehyung a cold hearted stare.


Taehyung-"Err... Hey"

Jonghyun-"Jimin do you wanna go somewhere together? We can go to our special place *smirk to annoy Tae* You know the place where we slept together?"

Jimin-"Ooo ya! Jimin remember he fell asleep on your shoulder *giggles*"

Taehyung was about to faint.

Taehyung-"J-Jimin? What do you mean slept with?..."

Jimin-"Jimin and Jonghyun watch stars and sun but Jimin fell asleep"

Taehyung-"Oh thank goodness... I thought...."

Jonghyun-"You thought what? That he slept with me? Don't act like you haven't done the same thing"

Taehyung growls.

Jimin-"Lets go to miwkshakes shop!!"


Taehyung was on the couch kissing Jungkook. Yes, they had made up.

Jungkook-"Whats wrong? You seam... distracted?..."

Taehyung-"I don't trust that Jonghyun guy..."

Jungkook-"Why? He's Jimins friend and sounds nice"

Taehyung-"Dunno... but what if he does stuff with Jimin...."

Jungkook-"Kim Taehyung, you do realize you just cheated and got with a girl. What happened to you being gay?... I mean there's nothing wrong with you liking girls but tell us if you wanna hook up with someone"

Taehyung-"I know but... Jimins a baby"

Jungkook-"Hes 18...."

Taehyung-"Hes my baby"

Jungkook-"But you left. Tae except that Jimins polyamorous"


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