15 Punishment

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At home Taehyung was lifting the violent Jimin into their room.

Taehyung-"Ready for a punishment for embarrassing us?"

Jimin-"FUCK OFF TAE!" He huffs and crosses his arms. He tries to hide his smile and semi hard boner though.

Jungkook who was listening on the other side of the door knew Jimin was dead. Last time someone called Taehyung a pussy they get heavily punished.

Taehyung-"What was that?!"

Jimin-"Pussy! Pussy! Taes a pussy! Nah nah nah nah nah!"

Taehyung-"I'll show you pussy!"

He has Jimin flipped over in a split second and was already undressing him.

He ties Jimin to the corners of the bed and pulls out a deep black shoebox.

Taehyung-"Do you want to know what's in here?"

Jimin says nothing. 

Taehyung-"My favourite toys" he says with a smirk present in his voice.

He tugged against the cuffs he was tied with his back pressed into the bed.

Taehyung pulls out a blindfold and and wraps it around Jimins eyes.

Jimin starts to pull more not used to not being able to see.

Taehyung-"Maybe if you behaved you could see me while i rail your pretty ass"

Jimin whimpers aroused and nervous.

Taehyung-"Now why don't we start playing with the toys now?"

Jimin bites his lip his breath increasing.


Taehyung-"Of course if you say so"

Taehyung was choosing some different toys to use.

Taehyung-"None of these are good enough for you... maybe I have an idea for what might be a good enough punishment"

Jimin-"N-No no!"

Taehyung grabs a leather belt and smacks the two sides together creating a loud slap.

Jimin breathes faster panicking. 

Taehyung cracks the whip  across Jimins bare chest causing him to yelp loudly.

He leaves red marks all across Jimins chest so he starts to move down lower.

His hits get dangerously close to his cock.

Jimin-"Pl-Please! I-Im sorry ugh! i-"

Taehyung-"Awww baby we're just getting started. You'll regret ever calling me a pussy" He smacks tougher until a thin line of blood can be seen across Jimins stomach.

Taehyung moves the belt along the side of Jimins member slowly, teasing him.

Jimin had hot tears streaming down his face and his breathing was shaky and quick.

Taehyung lightly licks through his slit.

Jimin-"... Please... *sniff* Don't...t..."

Taehyung roughly squeezes Jimin without warning making him jerk.

Taehyung-"You have such a pretty cock, slut.... I wonder what I'll do with it first..." Jimin could hear the venom in his voice.

Jimin-"Please! I-I'm *sniff* So-Sorry...."

Taehyung-"I know what I'll do! I'll tease you all night, and I won't let you cum. If you cum I'll do something worse then you can imagine"

Taehyung lightly but still painfully hits the belt over Jimins member.

Jimin-"AGGH!!" He had never cried so much in his life.

Taehyung-"Cry baby" He experimentally tugs Jimins cock before crawling ontop and grinding into him.

Jimin whimpers continuously. 


Jimin doesn't do anything so Taehyung grabbed him by his neck and whispers into his ear.

Taehyung-"Dont you even think about testing my patience tonight or ill leave you here all night with a nice snug vibrator and cock ring to keep you company" He smirks hearing the youngest sobs.


Jimin moans again and again until Taehyung unties him and takes off the blindfold, throwing it in some unknown part of the room


Taehyung-"Oh we're not done I was just warming up. Get on the bed and have your pretty ass up in the air for me to see"

Jimin-"I don't h-have a pretty ass...."

Taehyung-"If you don't do what your told i'll give you the spanking of a lifetime!" he yells.

Jimin was starteled at Taehyung for yelling so loud but obeys anyway.


Jimin tried to push up higher.


Jimin-"I-I can't-"


Jimin eventually gets high enough to impress Taehyung and without warning he pushes himself fully into Jimin.

Jimin-"AGH! H-HURTS"

Taehyung thrusts at an animalistic pace until Jimin wasnt able to breath steadily.

Jimin-"Ta-Tae! Stop! I I-I won't call you-You *sniff* a pussy again!"

Taehyung goes faster then he thought possible.

Jimin-"I-I'm gonna c-cum!"

Taehyung-"Oh no your not!" He slips a tight cock ring onto Jimin.

Taehyung continues teasing and fucking and beating for another couple of hours until Jimin couldn't move with pain.

Taehyung stands back to admire what he had done to his partner.

He had thin straight lines of blood from the belt, his cock was a bright red, his neck was marked from choking, his hole was stretched to its max and his ass was a bright pink from spankings and he had bruises everywhere.

He was just laying on the bed doing nothing. He couldn't stop thinking about the pain of what just happened.

Jimin-"A-Are we... *sniff* d-d-done?..."

Taehyung-"I'm done... but your not" Taehyung shoves a vibrator in Jimin and tied him down again leaving him alone.

Jimin-"Ta-Tae-ehyung! Please! Don't le-leave me!"

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