34 Fwoufy hair

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Author POV

Seokjin was on his way downstairs from putting jimin to bed and saw Namjoon was asleep on the couch.

Seokjin-"Awww" He leans down to kiss him gently but only to get a kiss back.

Seokjin-"Your not asleep are yo-" Hes interrupted by Namjoon pulling him down into another longer kiss.

He wanted to pull off but still stayed... He's been with Namjoon for years but still couldn't get used to his soft, plump lips.

Namjoon gets deeper and deeper until Seokjin pulls backwards.

Namjoon-"Mmm baby come back"

Seokjin-"I've got things to do..."




Jimin had waken up but was to comfortable to move.

Jimin-"Kookie?..." He tried to look around for his daddy but couldn't see anything

Jimin-"K-Kookie?!" He sits up and tries to find the light switch.
Eventually he reaches for it and turns the light on. He had forgotten he was in Namjins....

Jimin-"Jinny? Joon?" He peaked his head outside the door and calls for them.

Seokjin comes up and smiles at him.

Seokjin-"Hey bubby! Did you have a good sleep?"

Jimin nods and rubs his eyes.
Jin tried to pat down his messy hair but it just pops back up onto a fluffy ball again.

Jimin-"Fwoufy hair?" He plays his hair.

Seokjin-"Yep you have very fluffy bed hair bub" They both laugh and go downstairs to Namjoon.


Later that day Jimin was in littlespace again and was texting Taehyung.

Sooo... any more of those dick pics?...

Yuck yuck yuck

Come on Jimin please

Nop! that big boy thing. come back taeeee

I'm not coming back Jimin



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I don't know... maybe...

Yeyyy!! Tank u!

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