7 Pillow fights

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Jimin wakes up and goes outside to Taehyung and Jungkook making breakfast.

Jimin-"*yawn* Good morning"

Jungkook-"Good morning. We're making pancakes!"

Jimin-"Thank you! Also I was thinking about getting a job..."

Taehyung-"What sort of Job?"

Jimin was debating whether he should tell them what he saw...

Jimin-"I couldn't really find a lot of jobs... except one..."

Taehyung-"What one?"

Jimin-"Err..." Jimin shows them a screenshot of the website.

Jungkook-"*chokes* PORN?!"

Taehyung-"Jimin! Your to young to do porn!!"

Jimin-"But I feel bad! Your letting me stay here and feeding me! And taking care of my in little space!"

Taehyung-"Your not doing porn Jimin. That's final"

Taehyungs tone scared Jimin.

Jimin-"I'm sorry.." Jimins voice went higher then he wanted it to.

Awkward silence.

Jungkook-"Want some by breakfast?"

Jimin nods and sits at the table.

Jungkook-"Do you want chocolate syrup?"

Jimin nods as Jungkook puts on the syrup. He puts
a lot on.

Jimin-"Thank you"

After breakfast Jimin decided to look for more jobs near him.

there were no jobs near him or even in the city.

Jimin-"Ugh! Why is this so hard?!"

Jungkook-"Want help?"

Jimin-"AGH! How did you get in?!"

Jungkook-"Vampire moves"

Jimin-"Can you teach me?"

Jungkook-"I will tonight. But I'm here to help you with a job"

Jimin-"I'm too inexperienced for most of these!"

Jungkook-"Most? That still means there's some that aren't"

Jimin-"Well.. there was the porn one... but Tae said I'm not allowed to do that"

Jungkook-"I guess... but then again he also said that we can't have children and here you are"

Jimin-"I'm not your child!"

Jungkook raises an eyebrow.

Jungkook-"You are my child. half the time."

Jimin-"Okey..." He plays with his jumper nervously.

Jungkook-"Your so cute! Anyway I'll look for some jobs for you. Why don't you go play with Tae? it doesn't have to be littlespace you seem to enjoy playing anyway. you seem stressed"

Jimin-"Okay Thank you!" Jimin skips off to Taehyungs room happily.

Jimin knocks on the door bedroom softly.

Jimin-"TaeTae? can we play something i'm bored"

Taehyung opens the door.

Taehyung-"Of course" Taehyung leads Jimin into his room.

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