31 Jonghyun

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Jimin felt really bad now.... Why can't he just stop ruining things for once?!

Jimin-"I-I'm Sorry.... I shouldn't have said anything..."

Jonghyun-"No you did the right thing...."


Jonghyun-"Ssshh. You did the right thing"

A few minutes of comforting later, Jimin gets a call from Jungkook.

He answers it quickly.

Jungkook-"Where are you?!"

Jimin-"I'm with a friend.... why?"

Jungkook-"Jimin baby you don't have any friends.... who are you with"

Jimin-"Hey! I have friends!"

Jungkook-"Name one?"

Jimin-"Aahhh..... Y/N?"

Jungkook-"Who the fuck is Y/N?"

Jimin-"Err... I'm not sure... but I made a new friend today!"

Jungkook-"He or she?!"

Jimin-"He? Why?"

Jungkook-"Your not allowed hang around with him"

Jimin-"What?! Why?! You haven't even met him!"

Jungkook-"But your not allowed with other boys"

Jimin-"Hmph.... I'm staying with him anyway"

Jungkook-"Jimin I'm your boyfriend"

Jimin-"I'm an adult I can be with who I want to be with!"

Jungkook-"Baby your a teen"

Jimin-"Im eighteen!"

Jungkook-"Fine but if he tries to do anything with you imma bitch slap you both"

Jimin-"I don't even think he's gay! And I'm polyamorous"

Jungkook-"Fine... but still if your kissing someone else tell me!! Cause otherwise that's called cheating"

Jimin-"Okey bye! Love you!"

Jungkook-"Be home by midnight ok? Love you too!"

Jimin ends the call and looks up at Jonghyun who was smiling.

Jonghyun-"Your so cute!" He teases.

Jimin-"Hey! i'm not cute!"

Jonghyun-"Also 'But if your kissing someone tell me'?!"

Jimin-"Ya hes protective. But I'm polyamorous so it's not cheating if I tell him and he agrees"

Jonghyun-"Whats polyamorous?"

Jimin-"It's where I could date it hook up with someone even if I'm in a relationship as long as I tell Jungkook and he lets me or dating multiple people"

Jonghyun-"So basically you have a cute little heart that loves everyone?"

Jimin smiles and giggles.


Jonghyun-"Thats cute *smiles*. Also I do date guys"

Jimin-"Really? I wasn't sure and I didn't want to say you were if you weren't"

Jonghyun-"Ya I'm pansexual"



They had both gotten distracted from their cheating partners and were laughing together. They hadn't realized how dark it had gotten.

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