12 Spon Bob Square pans

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Jimin leaves confused but goes to find Seokjin anyway.

Seokjin-"Your food is ready bub!"

Jimin stares at him.

Seokjin-"Oh your in big space huh? Well I'm Kim Seokjin"

Jimin-"Park Jimin..."

Seokjin sits him down and hands him a plate of berries and fruit chopped up.

Jimin-"Err... Thank you?"

Seokjin-"No problem"

Jimin nibbles at a strawberry for a bit and then works his way through the rest of the fruit.

Jimin-"Mmmm! This is actually really nice. Thank you"

Seokjin-"No problem!"

Jimin-"Also I have a question...Well I know you took me to 'cure' me... But what if I don't want to be cured?"


Jimin-"I don't know if my boyfriends will want me anymore.... and I don't want to leave them"

Seokjin-"Of course they'll want you! Everyone would want you, your adorable!"

Jimin mumbles something.


Jimin-"Yoongi didn't want me!!" He said that a bit to loud.

Jimin-"I'm sorry for shouting! I didn't mean to! I promise!"

Seokjin-"It's ok! Who's Yoongi?"

Jimin-"It doesn't matter" He stands up suddenly and brings his finished plate to the sink.

Seokjin-"If you want some time alone your bedroom is just beside ours"


That night he was lying awake in his bed.

He couldn't sleep because he could hear Namjoon and Seokjin whispering to each other.

One part about being a vampire is you could hear more intensely...

Namjoon-"You know Jinny, I think you deserve a gift"

Seokjin-"Hmmm what sort of gift?..."


Jimin hears the bed creaking.

Seokjin-"Joon I need to be able to walk tomorrow! Stop!"

Namjoon-"Thats not my name babyboy"

Seokjin-"I'm not calling you daddy! It's weird..."

Namjoon-"I guess I'll have to make you then"

Seokjin-"N-No! Daddy! Daddy! Now put me down Joon!"

Namjoon-"Put me down? ____"

Seokjin-"Daddy! Put me down daddy!"

Namjoon-"Hhmmm what about.... No"

He hears more banging and doesn't understand what's happening.

Seokjin-"Nngh... S-Stop J-Daddy...."

Namjoon-"You like that slut?"

Seokjin continue moaning louder.

Namjoon-"Whats that? You like when your my little slut? Act like one"

Jimin has no idea what there doing.

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