27 Chocolate

380 24 2

Jimin didn't want to hurt them... or what if they don't like it....

Jimin-"What if I hurt you?..."

Taehyung-"It's ok baby" He smiles, knowing Jimin was excited.


Taehyung-"If your hurting us we'll tell you ok baby?"

Jimin still wasn't sure....


Once Jimin got into it, he was very rough.

Jungkook was against the wall with Jimin nearly fully into him.


Jimin-"Yes kook?"

Jungkook-"I-I'm gonna .... ah.... cu-cum...."

Jimin-"Hold it" He goes faster trying to show Jungkook how good he could be.

Jungkook-"Baby! Pl-Please! Agh..."

Jimin-"Hold it until I say"

Jungkook whimpers and moans even more.

Taehyung was trying not to watch and was already rubbing against a pillow.

Jimin-"I'm close kook!"

Eventually he comes inside Jungkook leaving him with the warm substance inside of him.

Jungkook-"I can't h-hold it anymore..."


Jungkook came all over the floor and wall.


Jimin pulls out and looks at Taehyung who was still pressing against the pillow.

Jimin-"Your turn tae"

Taehyung stands up and slowly makes his way over to Jimin.

Jimin flips Taehyung around and pushes him to the same spot where Jungkook was.

Jimin-"Open your pretty mouth tae"

Taehyung opens his mouth and Jimin sticks two fingers in.

Taehyung sucks on them until he takes them back out and, without warning, starts finger stretching him.

Taehyung-"Ugh your fingers feel great...."

Jimin scissors him and lines himself up.

Taehyung-"Go slowly...-Fuck!!"

Jimin starts off slow and gradually gets faster.

Jimin-"Fuck Tae your so tight...."

Jungkook-"Thats cause he never does fucking bottom"

Taehyung-"Shut up k-kook-Agh...."

A bit later Jimin hits his sweet spot.

Taehyung-"Oh my god hit th-there again!!! Ugh please!!"

Jimin continuously hits that spot again.

Taehyung-"Aghhh!..." Jimin kisses they back and side of his neck to distract him.

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