22 Beomgyu II

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In the hospital Jimin was in a bed surrounded by people who were testing his blood.

Doctor-"He's lost to much blood. He'll need a transfer, may we test if either of you are his type?"

Jungkook-"Of course!" She brings them both into a different room to test their blood type.


Doctor-"Your both his type but one of you already has a low amount of blood. Kim Taehyung, would you be willing to donate ... two pints of blood?"

Taehyung-"I'm afraid of needles"

Jungkook stares at him in pure shock.

Jungkook-"I'll donate!"

Doctor-"You don't have enough blood sir, you could end up like him. Kim Tae-"

Jungkook-"I don't care! I'll donate as much as he needs!"

Doctor-"Alright I'll bring you in to transfer"

On their way out Jungkook gives Taehyung a cold stare.


Jungkook starts to feel dizzy just as they finish.

Doctor-"Ok we're done" They leave to go save Jimin leaving Jungkook.

Taehyung comes into him and sits beside me.

Taehyung-"Are you o-"

Jungkook-"Dont fucking speak to me" He tries to stand up but just ends up falling into Taehyungs arms again.

Taehyung-"Kook I-"

Jungkook-"Shut up fucker"

Taehyung-"What did I do wrong?!"

Jungkook-"You've been so mean to Jimin! He's terrified of you now! You've been accusing him of things he didn't do! And now he's scared of you!"


Jungkook-"Your boyfriend was dying and you were worried about a couch!! You wouldn't donate blood because 'you're scared of needles'! You better make it up to him or I swear ill make your life a living hell!"

Taehyung just nods.


Taehyung had apologized to Jungkook and Jimin was just awake.

Jungkook-"Baby?! Are you ok?!"

Jimin nods.

Jungkook-"Your just home from the hospital baby. Do you know how you started bleeding?"

Jimin stays silent for a bit.

Jimin-"It was... an ac-accident!"

Jungkook-"Jimin baby, you won't get in trouble just tell us what happened please"

Jimin-"I-It was... Beomgyu..."

Taehyung-"I'll call Namjin now-"

Jimin-"No don't!"


Jimins POV

Jimin was debating whether he should tell them that Beomgyu threatened him if he told him..


Taehyung-"Ok I'm calling them" He goes off to find his phone.

Jimin starts to worry what Beomgyu would do to him.

Would he hurt him again?!

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