30 Jennie

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At the counter where they were both ordering their milkshakes, Jimin starts to feel himself slip into littlespace.


Jonghyun-"Can I have a.... chocolate milkshake please? And Jimin will have..." He taps Jimin on the shoulder who had just slipped.


Jonghyun-"Your a little.... what flavor milkshake do you want?"

Jimin-"Hhmmm... Stwawbewy!!"

Jonghyun-"A chocolate and strawberry please?"

Worker-"Of course" They go off to make their milkshakes.

Jonghyun-"Your so cute as a little! Now let's go sit down while we wait"

Jimin-"Okey!" He waddled over to a table, beside Jonghyun.

Someone walks in and skips happily over to Jonghyun.

"Hey baby!" She sits on Jonghyuns lap before anyone could say anything.

Jonghyun-"So this is my girlfriend. Say hi sugar"

Jennie-"Hey I'm Jennie! And you are?"

Jimins heart skipped a beat. Was this really who Taehyung was dating?!


Jennie-"Park Jimin?!"

Jimin looks at the ground an nods.

Jennie-"Baby we're leaving. NOW!!" She grabbed Jonghyun roughly and tries to pull him out of his seat but he fights against her pull.

Jonghyun-"Why would we leave? What's wrong?"

Jennie-"It's the rat your hanging out with!!" She points directly at Jimin who was about to cry.

Jonghyun-"Baby stop it! He's going through a rough time"

Jennie-"Pff rough time?! He's just an extra!! A side character!! I don't want you near him!!"

Jonghyun-"Jennie!! Stop it!"

Jennie-"Fine I'm leaving. You can choose to stay with this spoiled brat or come with me"

Jonghyun glances between them both.

Jimin-"I-It's ok you can go with J-Jennie *sniff*"

Jonghyun-"Jennie I'm going to stay with him for a while. He's going through a hard time at home and doesn't have many people to talk to"

Jennie-"Fine!! Stay with him!!" She storms out her designer heals 'clip' 'clopping' the whole way out the door.

Jonghyun-"I'm so sorry about her. She isn't usually like this... she was acting as if she knows you. Have you met before?"

Jimin doesn't answer.

Jonghyun-"Jimin?... You ok?"

Jimin doesn't say anything. The atmosphere gets more awkward until their milkshakes come.

Worker-"Here you go! Can I get you anything else?"

Jonghyun-"No thank you"

Jonghyun-"Do you want to go back to that wall we met at?"

Jimin-"O-Ok" He had slipped back out of littlespace a bit earlier.


At the wall the both sat in awkward silence.

Jonghyun-"Where did Jennie know you from?"

Jimin thinks about how he could destroy their relationship.
He goes completely blank.

Jonghyun-"Jimin? Hello?" He waves his hand over and back Jimins eyes.

Jimin-"Sorry... it's just.... I do know Jennie..."

Jonghyun-"From where?"

Jimin-".... Taehyung...."

Jonghyun-"No you don't mean from the cheating part do you? No she wouldn't do that... are they friends?"

Jimin-"Taehyung is with Jennie...."

Jonghyun-"I-I thought she... she loved me..."

Jimin-"I'm so sorry" He leans in beside him and side hugs Jonghyun.

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