9 Vampire blood

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Jimin ran into his room immediately and locked the door.

He was crying into his pillow.

Jimin-"W-Why didnt *sniff* I-I just die?!"

He fires the pillow across the room.

Jimin-"I hate m-myself!! I hate myself!! I hate myself s-so much!!"

He didn't realize that Jungkook was on the other side of the door crying into Taehyung.

Jimin-"I was supposed to fu-fucking die!!"

*knock knock*

Jimin-"L-Leave me alone!"

Taehyung-"Please Baby, let me in"

Jimin-"I want to be alone" He tried to sound as stable as he could but he could hear the pain in his own voice.

Taehyung-"No you don't understand baby! If y-"

Jimin-"I don't understand?! Just because I'm younger doesnt mean I don't fucking understand! I understand as much as you do!!"

Taehyung-"No of course I don't mean that! I mean you need to calm down or your vampire instincts think your going on a hunting spree!"

Jimin-"It doesn't matter anymore so just go away!!"

Taehyung gets another key and unlocks Jimins door.

Jimin-"Tae! Go away I want to be alone!!"

Taehyung ignores him and sits on his bed.

Jimin crawls under his bed sheets so he couldn't see and starts crying again.

Taehyung-"I'm only doing this for your health baby"

Jimin-"I'm not a ba-baby"

Taehyung-"Your my baby" He hugs Jimin from outside the blanket.

Jimin suddenly goes silent.




Jimin-"T-Tae!! I'm really thirsty" He was scratching at his throat again trying to get the pain away.

Taehyung-"Kook? Will you get some blood please?!"

Jungkook quickly leaves to get blood.


Taehyung-"Ssshh it's ok! Kookie will be back with blood for you"

Jungkook hands him a bag of blood and Jimin drinks it in a few gulps.

Jimin-"I-It's not working!"

Jungkook-"What?! That was more then enough..."

Jimin suddenly bits through Taehyungs arm and starts pulling more and more blood out.

Taehyung-"AGH stop!"

Jimin immediately pulls of.

Jimin-"Oh my god... Tae I'm so sorry I didn't mean to! I just did it naturally! What have I done?! Are you hurt?! Are you ok?! I'm so sorry! I won't do it again! Please forgive me!"

Taehyung-"It's ok" He slowly backs away from Jimin.

Jungkook-"Your craving vampire blood!"

Jimin-"Why?! I'm sorry! Can I be helped?! Is there something wrong with me?!"

Jungkook-"There's nothing wrong with you. We just... have to take care if you for a while"

Jimin-"Take care of me?"

Jungkook-"Me and Tae will be back in a few minutes ok baby?"

Jimin nods as they both leave closing the door behind them.

A half hour later Jimin starts to get worried...
So he gets up to find them but the door was locked.

Jimin-"Tae? Kookie?! Can you help me out please?!"

Taehyung-"I'm sorry but your addiction to vampire blood is highly dangerous"

Jimin-"So I have to stay l-locked away from you both?..."

Taehyung-"Just for a while baby! Then we can be with you again I promise!"

Jimin stumbles back to his bed.

That night Jimin laid awake cuddling his pillow.

Jimin-"Pillow cwuddle Jimin. Pillow comfwort Jimin!"

Taehyung and Jungkook were listening on the other side of the wall.

Jimin-"Kookie an TaeT-Tae no want Jimin anymore"

*in the other room*

Jungkook-"Hyung please! He feels really bad I need to comfort him!"

Taehyung-"We have to leave him for a few days. After that we can comfort him"

Jimin (from the other room)-"they no wove Jimin...."

Jungkook-"poor thing..." His heart was breaking.

They both hear something shatter from Jimins room.

Jungkook-"Taehyung give me the key. Now!"

Taehyung-"Sugar I don't want you to get hurt!"

Jungkook reaches into his pocket and pulls out the key. He quickly runs into Jimins room to see if he was ok.

Jungkook-"Baby!! STOP!!"

Jimin was cutting into his own arm and drinking the blood.

Jungkook runs over to stop him but wasn't able to get close enough before Taehyung pulled him back.

Jungkook-"Taehyung stop it! He's hurting himself!!"

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