20 Cumdump

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Beomgyu burst in the door early in the morning.

Beomgyu-"Jimin? Come play with me!"

Jimin stirs on Jungkooks lap not wanting to get up.

Beomgyu-"Come on!" He runs over and pulls Jimins foot so he'll get up.

Jimin-"Nou! Jimin sweepy!" He grips onto Jungkook even more.

Beomgyu drags Jimin off Jungkook and pulls him into his old room by his foot.

Jimin-"S-Stop! Help!!" Neither of them wake up.

Beomgyu-"Play with me!" He jumps on his old bed and starts playing with his teddies.

Jimin-"Stop!! Give them back!!"

Beomgyu teases him but Jimin couldn't reach it.

Jimin-"Please!" He jumps up to try grab his teddy but Beomgyu continues to tease him.

Eventually he hops down from the bed.

Beomgyu-"I'll give him back in one condition"


Beomgyu-"Bend over"


Beomgyu-"Dont ask questions or you won't get your teddy back!"

Jimin slowly bends over and feels Beomgyu pull his pants and boxers down.

Jimin-"H-Hey! Tae say you n-not awoud touch Jimin there!" He starts panicking.

Beomgyu squats and starts running his tongue in Jimins hole.

Jimin-"Please stop! Jimin d-don't wanna do this!"

Beomgyu-"Then you don't want your teddy back?"

Jimin stays quiet as Beomgyu slaps one cheek.

Jimin-"N-No! Jimin small!"

Beomgyu smacks him again harder.

Jimin feels tears fall down his face.

Beomgyu continues until he hears someone coming and immediately pulls Jimins pajamas back up and sits on the ground.

Taehyung opens the door.

Beomgyu-"Ta-Tae! Jimin touched me inappropriately! He hurt my butt!" Beomgyu fake cries and runs into Taehyungs arms.

Taehyung-"Jimin come here" He says sternly.

Jimin stands you still wiping tears from his face.

Taehyung-"Is that true? Did you touch Beomgyu?"

Jimin-"N-No! He touched Jimin! He says "bend ober and you hab teddy back""

Taehyung-"Jimin I'm disappointed in you" He holds out his hand for Beomgyu to take and brings him into his room.

Jimin-"B-But Tae! Jimin no lie...." He starts crying even more knowing his tae is disappointment I him.

He runs after them but Taehyung has already locked the door.

He knocks but no one responds.

Jimin-"Tae? *sniff* Jimin come in?" He had his hands resting on the door.

Taehyung-"If you say sorry for touching Beomgyu without his permission"

Jimin-"But I didn't! H-He did it to Jimin-"

Taehyung-"I'm very disappointed in you Jimin. You shouldn't lie"

Jimin-"Jimin pwomise he not wying!"

Taehyung-"If you don't stop lying and say sorry your getting no cuddles or sweets for the next week Jimin"

Jimin stays silent not wanting him to get mad.

Taehyung-"Well?" He opens the door and lifts Jimins chin up with two fingers.

Taehyung-"Are you sorry Jimin?" He had a blank but scary expression.

Jimin-"... I'm sowy..."

Taehyung-"We'll be talking again later. Go and make sure Beomgyu is happy again" He holds his hand again for Beomgyu as he brings him into Jimins old room.

Once Taehyung left Beomgyu burst into a fit of laughter.

Jimin-"Why you do that? Now he tink Jimin bad boy! And bad boys don't gwet cwuddles" He crosses his arms and pouts.

Beomgyu-"So I can get more attention! And you don't!"

Jimin-"But thats mean! You habe your daddy's and I habe my boyfriends!"

Beomgyu-"Still it was funny!" He laughs harder as Jimin starts to cry but tries to stop himself.

Beomgyu-"Your such a crybaby! All you do is look for attention and cry if you don't get your way! Anyway it doesn't matter because they trust me more then you!"

Jimin-"N-No they don't!"

Beomgyu-"Oh ya? Then why did they tell me that your just their cumdump? Their only using you for their entertainment! Their going to starts fucking you every single night whether you like it or not!"


Beomgyu-"Yep. Their gonna sell you after they loose interest in you. You know littles sell as good sex slaves..."

Jimin-"I-I dont wanna be slabe! Or c-cumdump!"

Beomgyu-"Well thats whats gonna happen if you don't let me help, cumdump"

Jimin-"Hey! Don't call me that!"

Beomgyu-"But it's what you are!"

Jimins bottom lips starts to shake slightly.

Beomgyu-"Gonna cry?" He holds out his hands for a hug and Jimin takes them.

But as he hugs him back he feels claws dig deep into his skin.

Jimin-"A-Ah!! Stop!!" He tries to pull back but he holds Jimin down tight and continues clawing him.

A/N: 440 reads!! I'm so happy!!! 😆😊😁💜🥰❤️

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