14 Chimmy

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*a couple of months later*

(Namjin and Taekook are friends and Namjin found a way to take away most of their vampires instincts so they are all nearly human again)

Jungkook-"Bubby wake up! We're going to the mall today!"

Jimin-"Ugh.... five more minutes!" He rolls around until he's between two pillows, with his nose squished into the bed.

Jungkook-"Nope!" He rips the blanket off Jimin who throws a pillow directly at his head.

Jungkook drags Jimins foot until he finally stands up.

Jungkook-"Hhmm I think you've grown shorter over night"

Jimin-"Fuck you"

Jungkook-"Hey hey your not allowed curse baby"

Jimin-"I'm in big space"

jungkook lifts the pillow again.

Jimin-"Dont you dare"

Jungkook-"Watch me" he slaps the pillow ontop of jimin giggling.

Jimin-"Fuck off Kook!"

Jungkook does it again but harder.

Jimin-"Tae! Kookies touching me without you!"

Jungkook-"Wait what?! I'm not!"

Taehyung sprints into his room worried.

Jimin-"Get your boyfriend away from me"

Jungkook-"I'm your boyfriend too!!"

Jimin-"Yep" He stumbles around the house trying to find his phone.


Jungkook-"Yep! Your on it to much baby!"

Jimin-"Give it back! Now!!! ITS MINE!!" He runs back in to them.


Jimin-"Jungkook don't mess with me today! I'm not in the mood!!!"

Jungkook-"You've only been up two minutes and your acting bratty!"

Jungkook-"What if I put you into littlespace? Then you'll stay off your phone"

Jimin-"Dont you FUCKING DARE"

Jungkook starts treating Jimin like a child to get him to slip.

Jungkook-"Awww is my baby moody? What if we go to his favorite shopping mall to make him feel better? We can get plushies"


Taehyung-"Alright lets get you two in the car"

Jimin-"Doggy! Pwetty! Cwan Jimin get doggy?"

Jungkook-"Sure! What will you name him?"

Jimin-"Chimmy!!" He squeezes the toy as Jungkook pays for it.


Jungkook-"We're going to go into this shop just for a minute ok?"

Jimin sits on a bench just outside the shop and talks to his new plushie.

Jimin-"Chimmy! I'm Park Jimin!" He plays around with ears until someone approaches him in a black hoodie, hiding their face.


Jimin-"Who a you?"



Yoongi-"Come home with me Jiminie"

Jimin-"Nou! Jimin habe new boyfwend!"


Jimin-" TaeTae and Kookie!"

Yoongi-"Jimin there very dangerous come with me NOW!"


Yoongi tried to drag Jimin away but Jimin throws a fit infront of everyone.

Jimin-"Let go!! Hewp!!"

Yoongi-"Shut up!!"


Taehyung runs out of the shop worried.

Taehyung-"What?!" He beats Yoongi onto the ground until he runs away.

Jimin-"Tae!" He starts crying as Taehyung picks him up and lightly sways side to side with him wrapped around him.

Taehyung-"Ssshhh it's ok, he's gone"

Jimin nods but continues to grip onto Taehyung.

Taehyung-"Do you want to go to a cafe?"

Jimin-"Yesh Pwease TaeTae"

Jungkook-"What do you want bubby?"

Jimin-"Jimin Not hunggy..."

Taehyung-"You sure baby? There's donuts and muffins-"

Jimin shakes his head at the suggestion.

Jimin was sipping a carton off apple juice when he realized he left Chimmy!

Jimin-"Jimin fwogot Chimmy!! Chimmy gone!!" He starts panicking a lot.

Jungkook-"Ssshh! It's ok we'll get him back!"

Taehyung was gone to the bathroom and Jungkook was about to paying for another plushie.

Yoongi-"I have Chimmy Jimin"

Jimin-"Ah!! Yoonie!!"

Yoongi-"Do you want Chimmy back?"

Jimin-"Yesh Pwease...."

Yoongi-"I have him in my car"

Yoongi-"Come with me and we can get him"


Jungkook runs out of the store and pulls Jimin away.

Jungkook-"Jimin! I think we should go now!"

Jimin-"But Yoonie habe Chimmy!"

Jungkook-"We need to go home baby ok?" He continues to drag Jimin through the mall.

Jimin-"Stob it!" He was kicking and screaming so everyone was staring at them.

Jungkook-"Jimin enough"

Jimin-"No!! Jimin wan Chimmy back!!! NOW!!! Let go off Jimin!!!" He was pulling at Jungkooks hand trying to make him let go.

Jungkook tugs on his arm making Jimin fly forward.

Jimin-"Ow!!" He sits on the floor screaming and shouting at Jungkook.

Jungkook-"Park Jimin, ive had enough of you today now stand up and get in the car"

In the car Jimin was kicking the back of Jungkooks seat to annoy him.

Taehyung-"We can't take him anywhere if he's going to act like this"

Jimin sticks out his tongue.


Jungkook-"Hear that Jimin? We can't buy you new clothes and toys if your going to be bold"

Jimin-"Jimin Cwan take care of himsewf!!"

Taehyung-"We'll see about that later"  He smiles and Jungkook.

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