25 Twickle monster! Rawr!

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Jimin was trying to think of the dirtiest thing to do.

Jimin-"Stand up"

Taehyung-"Which one of us?"

Jimin-"You spoke first so you" He pulls Taehyung off the bed.

Taehyung nervously looks at Jimin who slowly walks closer to him and is about to kiss him....

Until he slowly starts to move down Taehyungs body.
He places his hands on Taehyungs sides and slides down them.

His head was just in line of Taehyungs clothed cock and was pressuring onto it.

Taehyung-"Jimin bab-"

Jimin makes claw hands infront of Taehyung and roughly scratches his member.

Taehyung presses his knees together.

Taehyung-"You brat!!"

Jimin continues to claw and scratch until Taehyung gives in and throws him onto the bed.

Taehyung-"Get your dirty little ass in the air!!"

Jimin smiles knowing he'd won and happily sticks his perfectly round ass in the air.

Jungkook-"Taehyung!! It's only a few more minutes!!"

Taehyung immediately pushes into Jimin and thrusts into Jimin at an animalistic pace.

Jimin jerks forward with every thrust.

Jungkook-"Ugh Taaee!!!"

Taehyung-"Shut up" He slams harder and harder into Jimin who was loudly whimpering and moaning.

Jimin-"M-My turn.... Ugh..."

Taehyung-"I said shut the fuck up!" He faster than Jimin thought was possible.

In the end Jimin had tears all over him and the bed.

Taehyung pulls out and stare at Jimin who was in a mess.

Jimin collapses.

Taehyung-"Oh calm down! It was only a few thrusts!"

Jimin groans.

Taehyung-"Well now you don't have the energy to top"

Jimin-"I-I'm still getting to top you!"

Jungkook-"Maybe not tonight but you won so you can tomorrow ok baby?"

Jimin nods.

Jungkook grabs one of his own pajamas and helps Jimin get into it. It was a bit big... no scratch that... very big on him.

Jimin-"Twank you..." He carefully crawls under the covers and nearly immediately falls asleep.

Jungkook-"Jeez Tae were you trying to kill him?"

Taehyung-"No I just wasnt in the mood to do bottom tonight so I made him so tired that he couldn't"

Jungkook nods and admired how cute Jimin was sleeping.

Little did he know, Jimin was still awake but just to tired to move.

Jungkook leans down and lightly kisses Jimins cheek.

Jungkook-"I don't understand how five minutes ago, he was grinding and fucking himself, and now he's peacefully sleeping..."

Taehyung-"I didn't know he could be so dirty when he wants to be"

Jungkook and Taehyung lie down together beside each other.

Jimin-"Other swide"

Jungkook-"Your still awake baby?"

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