16 Cookies

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Early the next morning Taehyung opens the door and carefully uncuffs Jimin.


Taehyung-"I'm here baby. I'm so sorry if I hurt you to much last night baby but you need to learn to respect your elders" He takes the cock ring off Jimin who cums all over the bed.


Taehyung pulls out the vibrator and helps Jimin sit up.

Jimin immediately hugs Taehyung.

Taehyung-"What? Your not mad at me?!"

Jimin-"I'm so sorry hyung!" He already had hot tears down his cheeks.

Taehyung-"I went to hard on you last night baby.  I'm so sorry"

Jimin cries into his shoulder.

Taehyung-"Lets get you into the bath" He picks Jimin up and carries him into the bathroom and sits him on the toilet seat as he sets the hot water.

Jimin moans slightly as Taehyung puts him in the bath.

Taehyung lightly rubs over his chest with a sponge to get all the blood off.

Jimin winces as rubs over a specific part where he was very rough.

Taehyung-"I got kook to go out and get you more little items for taking last night so well" He was trying to distract Jimin from the pain.

Jimin-"Thank you-Ow..."

Taehyung-"Nearly done bubby"

A few minutes later Taehyung wraps Jimin in a towel like a burrito and covers him in light kisses.

Jimin giggles and tries to push him away.

Jimin-"Stop *giggles*"

Taehyung-"Your laugh is adorable!"

The couple were sitting on the couch cuddling when Jungkook comes back with a few bags in his hands.

Jimin-"kookie home!" He kneels on the couch and looks over the back so he could see Jungkook.

Jungkook-"You wanna see what I got you bub?"

Jimin nods excitedly.

From one of the bags, Jungkook pulls out a new fluffy woonsies for Jimin.

Jimin-"*gasp* CHIMMY!!" It was a Chimmy woonsie!

Jimin-"Thank you kookie!" He skips over to hug Jungkook but was still in pain all over his body from last night.

Jungkook shows him two new pacifiers and eight new teddies.

Jimin-"Eight new teddies!! I wove you!"

Jungkook-"Awww I love you too bub!" He holds out one of the pacifiers and Jimin happily sucks on it.

Jimin sits back on the couch beside Taehyung and starts naming all the teddies.

Jimin-"Chimmy... RJ.... Tata... Kookie....Shooky... Mang.... Koya and Van!!"

A bit after Jimin falls asleep still cuddling his plushies.

Taehyung-"I feel bad for punishing him..." He tilts his head to look at Jimin who had his pacifier half hanging out of his mouth.

Jungkook-"He'll forgive you, don't worry"

Taehyung-"But even if he forgives me, I still hurt him..."

Later that day Jimin was going to Namjoons house to mind him when Taekook were going to do something.

Jimin quietly knocked on their door as Taekook were watching him from the car.

Namjoon opens the door.

Namjoon-"Hows the best boy in the world doing?" He lifts Jimin up and balances him on one arm while waving goodbye to Taekook.

He closes the door a brings him into the kitchen with Jin.

Seokjin-"We have a surprise for you!"

Jimin-"Weally?" He takes out his pacifier.

Seokjin-"Were going to bake cookies together!"

Jimin-"Twank you Jinny!" He hops unto the edge of the table as Jin got the ingredients for cookies.

Jimin-"Can we make chocolate chip cookies?"

Seokjin-"Of course!" He lays out the ingredients and starts measuring out the flour first.

Jimin-"How much wonger will the cookies take Jinny?"

Seokjin wipes a bit of melted chocolate off Jimins nose.

Seokjin-"Theyll take around ten minutes and then they need to cool down. Why don't you go up and play with Namjoon while I tidy up?"


He waddled around the house trying to find Namjoon but after a few minutes he gives up and goes out the back garden.

Jimin-"Najoon? You here?"

Namjoon-"I'm in the shed baby!"

Jimin skips over to the shed.


Namjoon-"Hey baby! How the cookies going?" He was sorting some sort of tools.

Jimin-"Jinny says they be wong time... they beke den cool"

Namjoon-"They won't be to long. What if while I'm working you go upstairs and color a picture for tae and kook?"

Jimin-"Okey!" Jimin goes back into the house and looks for his coloring book.

Jimin was mumbling to himself about what they could be doing.

They wouldn't tell him where they were going...

What if they were leaving Jimin?!

What if they didn't want him anymore?!

Was he to bad last night?!

Were they giving him away?!

Jimin-"they no want Ji-Jimin!" He starts crying until Jin rushes upstairs.

Seokjin-"Whats wrong baby?!"

Jimin-"tae an kookie twink Jimin no good enough!"

Seokjin-"Of course they don't think that! They love you! Why would you think that?" He sits down beside him.

Jimin-"B-Because Jimin bad wast night... and they no tell Jimin where they go..."

Seokjin-"I promise they love you and always will!"

Jimin was still doubting himself.


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