36 Ice pops

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Jimin POV

Instead of milkshakes him and Jonghyun decided on Ice pops.

Jimin-"Mmmm dis is yummy!!"

Jonghyun-"Ya mines great. Wanna try some?"

Jimin-"Yesh pwease!"

Jonghyun holds the end of the stick as Jimin sucks on the end of it.

Jonghyun-"You like it?"


Jonghyun-"did you like the flavor?"

Jimin nods.

Jonghyun-"Your so cute sometimes"

Jimin smiles.

Later on, he gets a text from Taehyung.

Baby are you safe?


Ok... Be back home soon

Okay! Wov u! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Love you too baby

After another couple of hours of Jonghyun and Jimin laughing and talking about things they decide to go back home.

Jonghyun was dropping Jimin off outside his door.

Jimin-"Bye bye Jonghyun!"

Jonghyun-"Bye cutie, text you later"

Jimin skips into their apartment happily.

Jungkook-"Aww hey baby! How was Jonghyun?"


Jungkook-"Also I think Tae wants you, hes in his bedroom"

Jimin nods and goes to find Taehyung.


Taehyung-"I'm here baby"

Jimin follows the sound of his voice and finds him with his back to him and doing something on the locker.


Taehyung-"Hey baby! We were wondering if there was anywhere you wanted to go for a night out? To apologize"

Jimin-"But we alweady forgib you?..."

Taehyung-"I know but still, we want to treat you bub"

Jimin-"Hhhmmm.... Cwan we get McDonawd's Pwease? Jimin wove McDonawd's!!"

Taehyung-"Is there anywhere more.... special... you'd like to go?"

Jimin-"Ith something special happen tonight?"

Taehyung-"Aaaghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..... No?..."

Jimin-"Tell me! Pwease?"

Taehyung-"No there's nothing going on baby"

Jimin-"Pwease? I wove you!"

Taehyung-"I love you to baby but it's a surprise"

Jimin-"Jimin no wike not knowing tings! Wat-wat if Jimin do wat eba tae wan? Den will tae tell Jimin?"

Taehyung-"No bubby it wouldn't be a surprise if you knew!"

Jimin-"Nooouuu! Jimin wan know! pwease"

Taehyung-"If I give you cuddles will you stop asking?"

Jimin-"Hhhmmm.... cwuddles and kisses!"

Taehyung smiles and brings Jimin out to the couch.

Jimin-"Bwanket and piwows!" Jimin scurries around time a few rooms to grabs some stuff and then waddles back to Taehyung with a lot of things.

Jimin throws down blankets, pillows, countless teddies, teddies, more teddies and a few extra teddies.

Taehyung-"You have to many teddies baby" He laughs.

Jimin-"Neba to many teddies!" He starts organizing the pillows around first, followed by blankets.

Taehyung-"Bub I don't think we can fit all the teddies..."

Jimin-"Nooouuuu! Teddies cwuddle wif tae too!"

Eventually he gets them set up perfectly and crawls in beside Taehyung who turns the TV on.

Taehyung-"What do you want to watch?"

Jimin-"Spon bob square pans! New episode!"

Taehyung-"Ok I'll put on the new episode"

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