6 Scratching

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In the middle of the night with a scratching feeling in the back of his throat.

Jimin-"Ugh.." He goes down the hall to get some water.

Water doesn't help.

It gets worse and worse until he gets as moaning loudly in pain.

Jimin-"Ugh... oww.."

Someone walks down the hall. It was Jungkook.

Jungkook-"Shit your thirsty" He grabs a bag of deep red liquid and hands it to Jimin.

Jungkook-"Drink this". Jimin drinks it thirsty until the scratching goes away.

Jimin-"What was that?!"


Jimin goes completely pale.

Jimin-"Vampires... why can I go out in the sun if I really am a vampire?!"



Jungkook-"We can control when we have them"


Jungkook goes back to bed after that.

Yoongis POV

Yoongi-"What is wrong with me?!! Jimins gone now..."

Hoseok-"There's nothing wrong with you daddy. Anyway I know where he is"

Hoseok mumbles something else but Yoongi couldn't hear it.

Yoongi-"Where is he?!"

Hoseok-"Hes staying with Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook"

Hoseok sits on Yoongis lap with his legs split.

Yoongi-"Hobi... I have a boyfriend"

Hoseok-"Obviously I know that! I'm your new boyfriend"

Yoongi pushes Hoseok of his lap and onto the ground.


Yoongi-"Your not my boyfriend"

Hoseok-"If I get Jimin back will you love me?"

Yoongi-"But if I get Jimin back I'll want him!"

Hoseok-"Fine I'll just leave him where he is. Maybe Taehyung or Jungkook will become his boyfriend... oooo what if they fuck him?"


Hoseok-"Is he still a Virgin? Ha well he won't be for much longer!"

Yoongi-"Fine! If you get him back I'll be with you for a while..." Yoongi was already regretting saying that.

Hoseok-"Sleep with me and I will"

Yoongi-"Hoseok! Stop!"

Hoseok-"Yoongiiii! Please! Just for tonight and I'll promise to get him back to you!"

Yoongi-"... Err... fine... BUT ONLY FOR JIMIN!"

Hoseok smirks.

Hoseok-"One more condition"

Hoseok-"I'm doing Top"

Jimins POV

Jimin was thinking about how he was staying here for free... he needed to get a job.

He turns on his phone and searches some jobs around the city.

It was hard to read since the light was so bright.

There wasn't many jobs until he clicked into one sight.

Male X Male porn actor wanted for Namjin Porn

Jimin immediately closes the tab.

He still couldn't find any other jobs...

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