13 Human

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Seokjin-"Your boyfriend?!"


Namjoon-"In the bathroom taking care of a boner we probably gave him" he smirks.

Taehyung-"Where's the fucking bathroom?!"

Jimins POV


Someone burst in the door.

Jimin-"Agh! Stop!" He turns around to see Taehyung and Jungkook standing infront of him.

Jimin-"Your here!!??" He tries to cover himself.

Taehyung-"Get down stairs" He sounded pissed.

Jimin gets dressed and quickly goes downstairs to everyone.

Taehyung-"Get in the car"



After a tense drive to their apartment, Taehyung drags Jimin into his bedroom.


Taehyung-"Shut the fucking hell up. Do you know how long we've been looking for you?"

Jimin looks at his feet nervously.

Taehyung-"Answer me"

Jimin-"I'm sorry Tae..." He still doesn't look up.

Taehyung-"Look at me baby"

Jimin slowly lifts his head to meet Taehyungs gaze.

His expression confused him until....

Taehyung leans in with his head tilted and presses his lips against Jimins.

Jimins eyes widen at Taehyung but surprisingly he doesn't push him off. His lips were soft and comforting.

Eventually Taehyung pulls off and Jimin gently touches his now wet lips with his fingers.

Jimin-"A-A... Wh..."

Taehyung-"We like you Jimin and we want to be in a relationship with you"

Jimin nearly choked on nothing.

Jimin-"Y-You want to be in a relationship with me?!"

Taehyung-"Only if you want to..."

Jimin nods.

Jimin-"I do"

Taehyung-"Really?! That's it?!"

Jimin-"But can I ask one condition?"

Taehyung-"Of course baby"

Jimin-"Can I sleep in your bed...."

Taehyung wraps his arms around Jimin and hugs him.

Taehyung-"I love you baby"

He hugs back surprised.

Taehyung-"Now lets get you to bed, it's late"

Jimin-"Also.... can I see Namjoon and Jin again?... They were trying to help me! They had a cure for vampires to be human again!....."


Jimin-"I didn't take it yet because.... I didn't think you'd want me anymore...."

Taehyung-"Baby I will always want you! We can visit them tomorrow if you like?"

Jimin nods and gets his pajamas.

A bit later he wobbles into Taehyung and Jungkooks room.

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