23 Lace

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Jimin was in the back of the car crying.

Jimin-"J-Jimjn can't pwtect himslewf! *sniff* Aways habe to hewp Jimin! An-And-"

Taehyung-"Baby dont worry about any of it! We don't mind helping you!"

A bit more into the drive home, Jimin started to thinking about what Beomgyu had called him....

"Ugly ass bitch!"


Taehyung and Jungkook-"Yes baby?"

Jimin-"Is Jimin ugwy? *sniff*...."

Jungkook-"Why would you ever ask that? Your the most beautiful person on the planet. We're so lucky to have you!"

Taehyung-"Your the complete opposite of ugly baby! Why would you think your ever ugly?"

Jimin-"S-Someone call Jimin Ugwy ass bitch...."



Jungkook-"Dont listen to Beomgyu bubby! He only wants to get you in trouble! Don't ever listen to people who call you names!"

Jimin-"Ok...." He was still becoming worried about if he was pretty enough....

Were they just saying that because they were his boyfriends?....


At home Taehyung was lifting Jimin inside since he was crying and didn't want anyone to see his face.

He was hidden in Taehyungs neck and was hanging onto him tightly.

Taehyung-"Ok we're home baby!"

Jimin-"Okay" He stays holding onto Taehyung.

Taehyung-"Arent you going to get off me?"

Jimin shakes his head.

Jimin-"Mmm-mmm! Jimin stay wif you"

Taehyung-"You can stay with me just get off me bubby"

Jimin-"Nou!" He holds on tighter as Taehyung tries to pull him off.

Taehyung-"Come on baby your heavy!"

Jimin immediately let's go.

Jimin-"J-Jimin heavy?...." He looks down at his body and starts poking at natural fat.

Taehyung-"No! I didn't mean it that way! Your not heavy your actually very light!"

Jimin-"Jimin to light?...."

Taehyung-"No! Ugh... Kook help me out here!"

Jungkook-"Your the perfect weight baby"

(Also no one is to overweight your all beautiful in your own ways! 😁💜)

Jimin-"Jimin to fat!" He continues to point out his stomach and arms.

Jungkook-"Baby that's muscle!"

Jimin-"No it fat... Jimin eat to much...."

Taehyung-"Baby you don't eat to much!"

Jimin-"Jimin need to-" He was interrupted by Taehyung pushes both their lips together.

They both melt into the kiss for a bit and then let go.

Jimin giggles.

Jungkook-"You like getting attention baby?" Jungkook kisses his cheek and neck and Taehyung was kissing his lips again.

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