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Thank you for reading and supporting my story. It is my first ever finished story. That's why I am very happy that finally after many draftings, I finished one story.

I thank God for giving me this kind of talent and I owe Him a lot.

I highly apreciated those people who supported me.Especially you, @jessamilabs (Jessabel) thank you friend for being my loyal reader, my batchmates and my acquintances.
Also, JecelCabilloRoswell, THANK YOU!!

Thank you Ate Thonymie, DarkLight_Lioness (Badette), Rowena, akkerexol (Danica), gracegadiano123 (Grace) and At Rita, though hindi niyo pa talaga nababasa. Thank you agad!

To my readers, shimies! Thank you ulit!

Hinding-hindi po ako magsasawang magpasalamat sa inyo. See you on my next story! I love you all!❤️

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San Vicente Series #1: Destined by the Wind

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