Chapter 1

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California, many, many, many years ago

First meetings...

The day was scorching hot as the city of Sherman Oaks California reached over one hundred and five degrees on that particular July day. The three little girls that played outside in a little plastic pool. It had just been bought for them by their foster mom Mary Beth, who placed it under the shade of the big oak trees out in the front yard. Their foster mom had bought it for all the kids that she had living with her, because money was tight, the next week was supposed to get even hotter, and she had turned off the air conditioning to try and save some money.

Lynn, the tall, thin, rebellious blond. Margie, the prissy little redhead with glasses on, and Mindy who was small, with mousey brown hair and big brown eyes, were all slashing around in the water enjoying their summer vacation. They loved the freedom that this time of year allowed, and were looking forward to popcorn and movies since it was Friday night... not to mention stay up past midnight.

But unlike the girls, the boys didn't bother splashing in some baby pool, instead they took the hose and drenched themselves before going under their favorite oak tree and tried to cool down as the cars drove by.

Nickels, Jones, and Howie were the only boy's home at the moment, laughed as they talked of cars, music, and of course girls as they ate the last of the blue freezer pop's they stole from the freezer. They knew the girls would be pissed when they went inside to get a pop to see that all the blue ones were gone... again!

As Margie came out, Nickels who was ten, pushed his black hair from his face, and saw that she had the red and orange freezer pops in her hand and then stuck her tongue out at him.

"Oh shit, Margie just stuck her tongue out at me." He laughed with a twinkle in his devious brown eyes at this foster sister. Everyone knew Margie believed all girls should have manners, didn't swear, and of course act like ladies. But her sweetness went only so far and would compensate in other ways instead if pushed.

Jones, who was also eleven, with golden skin and soft green eyes looked up at Nickels, who had climbed up the great oak tree in the front yard, just laid on the old comforter glanced up at the little redhead and laid back down with a sigh. "Shut up Nickels, and just leave her alone."

Howie, who was the youngest at only ten, with white blond hair and big blue eyes, came running out of the house. He was Mary Beth's nephew, and was sent to her as she was the only living relative he had. His parents died a little over a year ago in a tragic car accident coming back from a vacation from Carmel. A drunk driver crashed into them on the way through the grapevine. "Hey guys, I just heard Aunt Mary talking on the phone, and said something about two new girls coming to live here." Howie said out of breath to the guys.

Nickels put his arms in back of his head and laid back on the branch kicking his leg that dangled down with his eyes closed. "Who cares? It's too damn hot to care about stuff like that Howie."

"Girl's huh? I think we could always have some more girls around the house." Jones laughed, also with his eyes closed.

Jimmy and Dax, had just walked up the driveway laughing, when they stumbled into the conversation. "What's up delinquents?" Came Jimmy's voice to the group of his foster brothers.

Dax started laughing at Howie who frowned at the name. "What, just stating the obvious." Dax laughed.

Jones sat up on his elbows smiling at the oldest boys of the group. Dax was thirteen with dirty blond hair and dark brown eyes, and Jimmy was twelve and a half, couldn't forget the half, with hair the color of coffee, and deep blue eyes.

"Howie was telling us we got newcomers to the group and... that their girls too." Jones told them laughing at the look on Dax's face.

"Girls huh, That's great because sweet, Lynn won't give me kisses anymore." Dax smiled at Jimmy, who hid his chuckle glancing over at Nickels who was now climbing down from the tree looking pissed.

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