Chapter 23

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It had been three weeks since the day Jimmy asked her about Dax and Mindy, and three weeks to the day since he headed back home to California. The paparazzi had finally gotten bored with the news of her and Jimmy back together, so she could at least get to work without being mobbed. That had been hard not only on her but her patients as well. Only a couple days after Jimmy left, she and the boys got the stomach flu that had been going around, and it was a nasty one. It only lasted a couple days, but she couldn't seem to shake it. Then this morning, she threw up... and couldn't believe her luck of catching the damn thing again.

She was missing Jimmy, something terrible. But he called her a couple times a day, texted her in-between, and face timed her and the boys every night. Then on top of work, she and Lynn had been working on stuff for Billy. Even going over some videos he'd sent over for them to watch. Lynn was planning on flying out to Hollywood to go look over some of the bands and singers that they thought had potential. So, between the boys, work, and her and Lynn writing songs for Billy, life was a blur.

Even though she thought she could go back home to her house now, she decided to stay with Tia and help her out with all the babies. Little Ester had gotten her mornings and nights turned around, and Tia was having a hard time getting sleep. There wasn't much she could do during the day because of work, but at night she got all the kids washed, fed, and tucked into bed. Then in the morning, she got them all ready to go to school and the daycare.

Addison had decided right after she was pregnant with little J.W. she wanted to get into gynecology, and that's what she had been doing ever since. She couldn't think of a more rewarding career than to help bring life into the world.

Cynthia was someone she had met when they all started working at the hospital. The Jersey-born doctor was quick-witted, smart-mouthed, and kept even Lynn entertained. So, when she and Lynn began their own practice... Cynthia was a must. The bantering between Lynn and Cynthia was comical and made going to work that much more enjoyable.

It was twelve twenty, and had already seen a dozen patients and was exhausted. Her head was pounding and was still feeling really off. After her throwing up this morning, she felt much better, so she couldn't figure out what was going on. Either she ate something that didn't agree with her, or she did catch the bug again, but it wasn't as bad this time around. She walked into the break room and got herself a ginger ale and banana from the fridge to settle her stomach.

Cynthia made her way into the room, grabbing her lunch from the fridge. "What's going on with you?"

"I think I got that stomach bug again." She sighed, plopping down into the chair at the table.

"Again? What do you have going on at your place... an epidemic?" Cynthia laughed.

"Gosh, I hope not. My life is too busy for that." She sighed

"Hey, did I tell you my mom was in town?" Cynthia said, taking a seat in front of her at the table.

"No, that's nice. Are you two doing something tonight?"

"Hell, yes, we are. It's Friday night, and my divorce to that schmuck I was married to is officially done. I'm taking mom and me out to a strip club. Oh baby, I've ironed up my one-dollar bills so I can stuff them down well-endowed men's G strings!"

"Well, that is one hell of a way to celebrate." She laughed.

"Yeah, and I think mom will get a kick out of it. If I'm lucky, there will be a hottie who is either straight or bi that will rock my world." Cynthia winked before biting into her sandwich. "What about you? You have any plans since your yummy tattooed love stud is away?"

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