Chapter 11

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He had forgotten how stuffy the nights were in the south, but he usually was at some swanky ass hotel enjoying the air conditioning, but even with the place being cooled... it was still damn hot. But even if he was dealing with the stick, it was so much better coming home from a long ass tour to someone you love, and not just some random piece of ass or groupie. He always knew he missed coming home to Addison, but being here with his baby girl right here and now... he knew just how much.

After freshening up and changing into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, he splashed some cologne on and hoped that him and Addison could pick back up where they were before the damn knock on the door. He was really hoping maybe he would be able to talk his girl into letting him kiss those gorgeous porcelain pink lips of hers again... but with the way she was acting as he touched her, it sure felt like it could go even further just a minute ago.

When he walked past the boy's bedroom door, it was cracked open, so he peeked in. Both boys were still sound asleep in their little beds with the fan on and out cold. With a smile on his face that he couldn't hide, he shut the door just a little more just in case he got to go further then just a kiss. When he started to walk down the hall, he knew he was an asshole for wanting more, but he had waited so damn long to get his baby girl back into his arms and his body was already wanting to have her completely.

The lights were off in the front room, only the kitchen light over the sink was on, but when he looked around Addison was nowhere to be seen. He hurried back into her bedroom, then her bathroom to see if she was in there, but she wasn't. This place was only a two-bedroom house, and not that big for him not to find her... but then panic set in and he went back to the front room. Had someone followed him here? Could someone have taken Addison for ransom? He'd heard of that kind of shit before but it wasn't something he'd had to worry about in so damn long! "I knew I should have brought security with me!" He growled under his breath.

Jimmy jogged going to the front door, his heart racing, when he heard Addison whisper and then a man's voice. He peaked around the corner seeing if it was someone here to bribe her, get a story from her, or trying to hurt her... but what he saw was just as bad. "Son of a bitch." He murmured under his breath. One of the guys from that new band Inferno was standing there in front of Addison, and trying like hell to get her into the douche bags arms. "This fucking band is going to kill me!" He growled but then took a deep breath to get himself under control. His baby girl was safe, and that was all that mattered.

He stayed out of sight, knowing that Addison was probably freaking the fuck out right about now with his ass here so, he instead just listened in to make sure she was okay... and make sure the ass didn't try anything.

Quietly he leaned against the wall as the two talked, and from the sound of it, she was letting him down easy, which made him very, very, happy. With Addison trying to get the ass to leave, he was only going to mentally beat the living hell out of this guy.

As he listened to the conversation Addison and this guy South were having, he thought Karma must really be a bitch! Knowing that this douche had slept with her, and now he wanted her for his own... no, it was more like Karma coming back around and kicking him in the ass! Worse yet, he didn't know if he could keep his cool if she said that she loved this guy, but he would.

He heard her tell him it was time to leave and footsteps going to the door, so he took a peek around the corner, when he saw that damn South snatch her up into his arms and start to kiss her. That was it, it was time for him to step in and teach that piece of shit to learn when a woman says no, she means fucking no. But as soon as he turned the corner, she smacked the hell out of him... that was his girl!

He cleared his throat to get this ass' attention, South looked and saw him with a shocked look on his face, but Addison's shoulders stiffened when she heard his voice and spun around. "I think she was telling you to pound sand, not to assault her in her front room." He said, calmly.

The Rockstar Second Chance Vol. 5 Rocker Girl SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now