Chapter 17

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Two months had passed by so quickly. It's funny, but Jimmy had become part of the household, even having J.W. finally warmed up to him... but Jimmy bringing his guitar out and working with him didn't hurt either. So now he was helping pick the boys up from school and preschool, helping out with dinner, baths, and bed, even read the boys stories at night.

She found that the longer he was around, the more she realized how much she had missed him. He really was the Jimmy she had fallen in love with all those years ago, and she was already thinking things about him that she never thought she would think about again.

After the second night of her practically jumping Jimmy's bones, the two of them had taken it easy, which was a good thing. But every time she saw the man, she wanted to strip off all his clothing and give him a thorough examination. She groaned at the stoplight wishing she could make her mind and body behave like she wanted them too. She wasn't some teenage kid anymore, she was a mom, and a doctor damn it! She should have no problems doing this... she operates on people for a living! But then sighed. "But you've always had a soft spot for Jimmy. And now I'm afraid I'm falling in love with him all over again." She admitted to herself.

She pulled up to her home and saw the red suburban in the driveway and couldn't help but smile. Jimmy said he would take the boys to school, and pick them up for her today since she was going to be in surgery most of the day.

She just sat back in her blue scrubs, and took a breath, letting her mind try not to think about what she wanted to do to the man in her house at the moment and went to turn down the music, but stopped. It had been years since she had listened to the guy's music, would it be okay to give it a listen now?

"I wonder." She murmured, picking up her cell, and going to the music store. She typed in Death Ever After and found their newest album. She sat there looking at the cover art not sure what she wanted to do and then hit the buy button on the most popular song.

She thought it was going to be a fast kick-ass song like she remembered the guys always had, but it wasn't, it was a ballad. It was a simple song that was heartfelt and sounded like it was just Jimmy and his guitar. She turned it up listing to the words, then it hit her and who he was singing about. Her breath hitched as her hand flew over her mouth and shook her head.

Soon tears started to fall as she heard the pain in his voice, but also the conviction of every word he sang. He was sorry, he missed her, he still loved her, and she was still his world even though she was gone.

Once the song was over, she hit play again. She listened to every word that was blaring in the truck, so caught up in the moment, when someone knocked on her window, she practically jumped out of her seat.

Her head quickly turned to see Jimmy standing there, and by the look in his eyes, he heard what she was listening to. They stood there just staring at each other for must have been two minutes before she turned off the truck and the music along with it before opening the door.

"Have you heard that song before?" He asked, but she didn't say anything, just wiped some tears from her face and shook her head. "What did you think of it?"

"It was beautiful." She whispered.

"Most of the songs I've written since we broke up have been about you, you know." He admitted.


"You mean, you didn't know that? I thought for sure you would know I wrote them for you."

"I quit listening to the radio after I left California." She could see by the look on his face he didn't understand what she meant. "I haven't heard any of your music in the last six years. It was too hard to hear your voice." She confessed, turning away from his gaze. "Tell me something, did you mean everything you said in that song? I mean, it's been six years Jimmy... do you really still love me after all this time?" She whispered.

The Rockstar Second Chance Vol. 5 Rocker Girl SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now