Chapter 26

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The line was silent. Jimmy looked around the recording studio at the guys before redialing Margie's cell only to have it just ring, so he dialed it two more times. He knew it was Crystal that was up to something but had no idea what Addison was talking about... or why she was calling that bitch his girlfriend? He felt sick to his stomach, hearing the hurt in his baby girl's voice, but he was also beyond pissed. He wasn't going to have Crystal screw up his relationship with the woman he loved, and that was a fact!

Nickels and Howie were all trying to get ahold of their women, but no one was answering. He finally gave Jones back his cell and ran his hands through his hair. "Do any of you have a fucking clue what's going?" Jones asked.

"I have no clue," Jimmy answered.

Howie walked back into the room and shook his head. "Tia isn't answering her cell. You know, I thought she wasn't calling me back because she was tired."

Nickels lit a smoke and took a seat at the mixing board. "You know there is one way we can sort this shit out. Get right to the source of the problem."

"Yeah, what?" Howie asked.

But Jimmy already knew what Nick was hinting at. "It's ten at night, you think she'd answer the call?" He asked.

"Wouldn't you?" Nick answered.

"Fuck yeah, I would." He sighed. "But I don't have her number."

"Don't worry, that is something I can get." Nickels grinned and walked out of the room.

Jones head was in his hands as he stared at the floor. "I missed my baby's birth because of that bitch... doesn't Margie trust me after all of this?"

"We don't even know what is going on. So let's get all the information first before you get pissed." Jimmy told him.

"I say we get our asses on a plane and get home to talk to them. Tell them that whatever Crystal said was bullshit!" Howie said.

"Yeah, and how in the hell are we going to do that? We don't even know what the hell is going on." Jones growled.

The door opened, and Nickels walked in with a piece of paper. "Yeah, but we're going to find out right now." He assured all of them handing the paper to Jimmy. "I think if we want to get to the truth, you should be the one to call Crystal. She might want to get back at all of us... but I think it's you that she really wants to destroy."

"Yeah..." He sighed, taking the paper and dialing the number.

The cell rang a couple times, and he was just about to hang up when he heard the voice that he hated. "Why James Richardson. I somehow knew that you'd be calling me." Crystal giggled.

He then put the cell on speaker so they all could hear what the hell was going on. "What the fuck did you do?"

"Me, I didn't do anything?"

"Cut the bull shit, I know you sent Addison something." He growled.

"Oh, you must mean my gift to all of your girls. Well, yes, I did do that." She laughed.

"What gift?"

There was silence, and the only thing that could be heard was the music and noise from whatever night club she was at before she spoke. "You mean, you don't know?" She asked, and he could hear the laugh in her voice. "Well, I guess big bad rock stars can't really go anywhere without getting mobbed..."

"Addison accused me of sleeping with you, why?"

"It's not my place to tell you."

"But, you know I didn't fucking sleep with you!" He seethed.

The Rockstar Second Chance Vol. 5 Rocker Girl SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now