Chapter 9

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The car jolted to a stop, waking him from the damn relentless dreams that he could never escape from, and rubbed his hands over his face. "What's going on." He mumbled, but then looked out the window at a small yellow colored house with white trim, a picket fence going around the front yard, a dog barking, and covered in flowers. "Yeah, this is exactly what I thought Addie's house would look like." He admitted.

Nickels grinned over at him. "Well, looks like everyone's here already." He winked smacking him in the chest, then stopped and looking him over. "Hey, are you ready to do this?"

His hands went over his face not believing that any of this shit was real. "No..." He growled, then opened the car door to get out.

Nickels started to laugh as Jimmy followed him to the side of the fence where the gate was. An old basset hound came stumbling around the corner in full bark mode. Nickels opened the gate and then pet the old guy. "Hey tennis shoe, how's it going boy." He smiled and the dog's tail started wagging. "Tennis, this is Jimmy, Jimmy, this is tennis shoe."

"Tennis shoe?" He chuckled.

"Yeah, well his name was Tennessee but J.W. couldn't pronounce it so the poor old guy is now forever dubbed, tennis shoe." Nickels laughed.

Jimmy knelt down and let the dog smell his hand, and when the dog was satisfied that he wasn't a threat, he let him pet the top of his head. "You're a good boy."

Nickels walked off and was standing by the front door waiting for him. "The dog is fine Jim, so quit stalling and get your ass over here." He grinned.

He patted the dogs head one last time before getting up and slowly made his way to the front door. His hand went through his hair because he was so damn nervous. He'd been all over the world standing on stage with thousands of people watching him, screaming at him, but at that very moment, and for the first time in a very long time... he thought he could be sick.

Nickels shook his head at how long it took for him to walk to where he was. "If we don't get our ass's in there Dax and Jones will eat all the damn food." He growled taking a hold of the doorknob.

"You're not going to knock?"


"You mean we're just going to barge into her house?" He asked thinking of what might happen when Addison sees him standing there... and then everyone can see just how much she still hates his ass! "Don't you think we should knock?" He suggested as Nickels pushed the door open.

"Jimmy none of us knock, its Addie's place dip shit. We just go on in." Nickels shrugged looking at him like that was something that just was supposed to make sense.

He shook his head as he looked into the house now realizing none of these guys never told him just how close they really were to Addison and her new husband, but the letter this Win wrote to him, it was starting to make much more sense now. With a deep breath, he stepped over the threshold and heard the sounds of guitars being played.

He looked around seeing the modest decor but also all of Addison little touches everywhere. His head turned when he saw the photos on the wall and stopped. It was a picture of Addison and her new husband on their wedding day. She looked happy, and he could tell by the way Win held her... he loved her just as fiercely. "Shit..." He mumbled.

The sound of music and people talking was coming from inside as he stood there in the entryway looking at the rest of the photos that were there. He saw a photo with Addison and her two boys, of Win and the boys, a couple family photos, but there were also photos of Tia and Howie, and their kids, and the same with Margie and Jones, and even Lynn and Nickels. Then there were some with Billy and Sam. But what surprised him the most was to see Jones, Howie, Dax, and Win all playing together.

The Rockstar Second Chance Vol. 5 Rocker Girl SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now