Chapter 22

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He shot up from the dream gasping for breath looking around. He knew what he did to his baby girl, he could feel the soft skin under his hand from the slap, that snap of her wrist when she tried to run, and her screams and whimpers still fresh in his mind. His hands went over his face feeling the dampness and sat back in the seat while the nightmare kept playing over and over again in his mind. He had been told about the fight he had with Mickey, but never remembered it. He knew it had been bad, and remember breaking her wrist, but never the full thing. But what he did to Addison... he hurt her; and saw the sheer look of terror on her face when she saw him. "Son of a bitch," He sighed, knowing what the hell Jones was talking about now, and got it.

The violence he unleashed on her over his own greed and stupidity ate at him. But the vail that the drinking and drugs gave him was gone, and there was no more hiding from the truth. He would be a man and face the truth, unlike his fucking father. His baby girl has forgiven him for every fucked up thing he had done to her. The lying, the cheating, walking in on him screwing women, all the times he'd hurt her, she forgave it all. So no matter what she's done with Dax, he would forgive her, it didn't matter... Dax was another matter. He just wanted the truth and to know what his best friend tried to do to get Addison that would have Mindy leave her family behind.

When he had left Dax's house, he needed to find a place out of the public's eye to detox. He didn't want to go back to Jones place; he wasn't ready to see Addison yet. There was a big park downtown that he drove by when he was out with Addison and the boys, so he made his way to it. When he pulled in, he found a spot under some trees and away from people and pulled out his cell and texted Addison that he wanted to talk, but she didn't text him back. He figured the guys must have called her to tell her what the fuck was going on, and she was scared to call him. But after the nightmare he had, he understood why. So, he dropped it down on the seat next to him and put on some music to relax and must have fallen asleep.

After he got his bearings, he sat back again, seeing that the sun was setting and figured he'd been out for a while. But then he heard a vibrating sound and glanced over to see his cell going off. It looked like there was a dozen text that he'd missed, and the same amount of calls, but then he saw Addison's name and reached over to pick it up. It took him a minute before he swiped it open and started reading the text, not sure of what to expect.

"Hey, baby. I had an emergency surgery come up... what's going on?" Addison texted.

He stared at the words thinking of what to say. From the sound of it, she didn't know what had happened between him and Dax, at least not yet. But he was sure she would soon enough. If he had been the first call, Lynn would be the second, so he didn't want to scare her...

"Can you meet me back at your place?" He texted and then waited.

"Yeah, sure. I'm just getting into my car now. See you in ten."

"Sounds good." He texted back and threw the cell back on the seat. As he pulled out of the parking lot, he thought about all the shit he'd pulled in the relationship with this woman, coming off mad and half-cocked when she saw him wasn't a good idea. He knew why he was pissed, but he had to make sure she wasn't frightened of him.

He found the key for the back door to her place, he walked into the kitchen, taking a soda from the fridge, sat down at the table, and waited. The house was quiet, which let his mind linger on things that it shouldn't. But after about three minutes as he sat at the table, he heard the front door open, and Addison's voice and her cell going off. "Baby, are you here?"

"Yeah, I'm in the kitchen."

She turned the corner with a smile that beamed, but then fell when she saw him. "What's wrong?" She asked, rushing to him, looking him over like a doctor would a wounded man, then felt his forehead. "Are you sick?"

The Rockstar Second Chance Vol. 5 Rocker Girl SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now