Chapter 24

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He walked down the red carpet at the music awards with all the guys hating even having to be there. If they weren't playing on stage tonight, he could have cared less about the best album nomination award they were up for. They all had tons of gold and platinum albums on their walls... who cared if he got another one. But as the lights flashed and women screamed his name, he walked down to where the reporters asking their questions.

The first couple of interviews weren't too bad. They ran along the lines of, are you excited about the best album? Or, What do you think about being chosen for five out of five of the awards tonight? And, Is Death Ever After going to putting out their next album any time soon? Those questions were fine, but the last reporter, she got pushy about his and Addison's relationship and asked if they were back together? He smiled and then told her that his personal life was none of her fucking business... and that's when Nickels came over, pushing him along to handle the woman.

He took his seat next to Howie and grumbled under his breath. He hated having to sit with all the assholes around him for hours and having to listen to all the pretentious bull shit. He crossed his arms, waiting for the show to begin, and thought about how Addison had been acing for the last couple weeks. If he wasn't so damn busy, he would've hopped on a jet to go and see if there was anything wrong. There was a part of him that was worried that she was changing her mind about them getting back together. Maybe now that he'd been gone for a while, she realized that she was better off without him.

He was lost in his thoughts as the first band came on stage when Howie leaned over. "Hey, I don't want to piss you off more then what you already are, but... look three rows down and sitting next to Tia's ex, Andy."

Jimmy's eyes followed in the direction Howie said and then saw who Howie was talking about. "Fucking hell... that's just great." He groaned as Crystal's blond hair turned and spoke to Tia's ex. But he also saw that fucker South sitting right next to her. "Just fucking great."

Jones leaned over and saw what they were looking at and slumped in his seat, trying not to be noticed. "Let's just leave it alone. I don't want to start any shit. So, I say we just steer clear of her ass and call it a night. I don't want Margie to even know I'm in the same fucking building as that woman."

"Yeah, that makes two of us." Jimmy agreed.

After a long-ass night of playing on stage, accepting three of the five awards, the damn thing was over. Then after the show, he went backstage and signed autographs, took pictures with the fans, and some sick children who Nickels had donated tickets to with their families.

By the time everything was done, he just wanted to call his baby girl to hear her voice and then crash. But instead, he changed out of his clothes and grabbed a bottle of water when Nickels told him they had an after-party to go to. "Damn, I'm too tired to think straight, let alone go deal with those assholes." He groaned. But got himself back in the limo with the rest of the guys to help promote the band.

The women had been staying away from him, which was good, but an old dealer that he used to get his shit from started to make his way over when Jones intervened. He stood there, watching all the people party, mingle with all the fakeness, drink, and fuck right before his now sober eyes. He couldn't believe that he used to be one of these stupid fucks but was now done with the whole fucking thing.

He was talking to Jones about Margie having their baby on Saturday when South walked up. "Hey man, do you have a minute?"

Jimmy glanced up, finding Dax, who was glaring at him and South and grinned. "Yeah, sure." He answered, giving Jones a shrug before following South to a private corner. They stood in the back away from most of the people, but South didn't say anything. "So, what's up?"

The Rockstar Second Chance Vol. 5 Rocker Girl SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now