Chapter 18

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The Price of Making it Big...

Death Ever After just filled their first Colosseum, and the crowd roared with each and every song. It was Nickel's idea to have Addison come out and play the last three songs with them since she had been making a name of her own. Men whistled and howled as she came out in her torn jean shorts that hugged her ass, t-shirt, high top converse, and of course her straw cowboy hat and aviator glasses.

She had dyed her hair black, and it hung down her back in a ponytail, and as Jimmy sang, he couldn't keep his eyes off of her as she played the guitar. She and Jones got into a dueling guitar fight, and the crowd went wild... and his baby girl kicked Jones ass!

When the concert was over, Nickels came over introducing some people who had won exclusive backstage passes to him and the guys, but skipped over Addison. She smiled at Jimmy rubbing his arm as she made her way through the hoards of screaming woman. But as soon as she was free, a couple of guys from the crowd began to follow her.

He watched as they stopped her asking for an autograph and the shocked expression on her face from it. This was what he had wanted, he had made Nickels include Addison as a special guest on tours, and she was getting her own fan base... of males!

This was something Jimmy thought he wanted, Addison to become famous, to let the world see how amazing she was with the guitar, but now he was second-guessing that thought. He watched as these guys got her laughing, having her take off her sunglasses, showing those asssholes her beautiful eyes. She was smiling and talking with them while signing autographs. When it was all done, she looked up at him and smiled before walking off.

Jones, Howie, and Dax were still having the women giggling and pawning over them, he pushed his way through going to go talk to Addison when Nickels stopped him. "Dude, what the hell are you doing?"

"I'm going to go talk to Addie." He shrugged.

"No your not. We've got a group of fans that are here to see you." Nickels growled.

He glanced back over his shoulder and saw the guys eating the attention up. "Everyone looks happy to me, Nick." He offered.

"Look, Jim, we're now starting to make it big. Don't go screwing this shit up because you need to go talk to Addie. First impressions matter in this business!"

He looked down the long hallway, and then back at the crowd that was staring at him. "Fine, but make sure Addie is at the after-party Nickels, or I swear to god, I'm leaving!"

"Yeah, okay, I can do that."

"Good." He growled going back over to all the women that were pulling up their shirts so the guys could sign... whatever they wanted.

Three hours later, the after-party was going on, and he had been talking to a bunch of people wondering where the hell his wife was. He left the group and went over, pulling Nick from a group. "Wheres Addie?" He asked.

"I don't know, maybe they aren't coming?" Nickels answered.

"Son of a bitch... don't piss me off, man. I'm not in the mood."

"Relax, look over there..." Nickels said, pointing off in the distance.

He looked up and saw not only Addison, but the rest of the girls talking with some big guy, and a short little woman. "Who are they talking to?"

"The guy is Billy Dewan and his wife, Sam. I think they're trying to get our girls to sign up with their label." Nickels snapped. "What an asshole. He knows that they're our girlfriends, and we're trying to start our own fucking label!"

But as he listened to Nickels bitch over this guy Billy, he watched some big Hollywood superstar go and stand next to his baby girl. He, himself, had some models around him asking for some personal alone time, but seeing his baby girl standing in black leather pants that looked like they had been painted on her, tank top, and some strappy heels... his ass started to make his way over where they were and let this asshole know that she was fucking taken!

The Rockstar Second Chance Vol. 5 Rocker Girl SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now