Chapter 15

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California, the day that changed everything...

Who would have thought that morning when they woke up and headed to L.A, they were just a bunch of foster kids that had started a band years ago and had been trying to make it big. After their last disappointment, of finding someone to pick them up, they all thought it was never going to happen. But as they drove back home to Sherman Oaks, they now had a record deal with one of the biggest labels in the industry. Jimmy sat in the front seat of Dax's old Camaro with an enormous grin thinking about how the meeting went down, and just how fucking happy he was.

Howie, Jones, and Nickels were laughing in the back seat, talking about what they were going to buy when they made it big. Pretty much all of them agreed on buying themselves a new car, but Jimmy, he really wanted to go down and buy his baby girl a diamond ring. They got into town and Howie started laughing when they pulled into Mary Beth's driveway. "I say we tease the girls that we didn't get the deal, and then surprise them!" He laughed.

"Sounds like a plan to me." Dax shrugged as they screeched to a stop, and then all rolled out of the car.

Nickels lit up a smoke and looked at the two-story house that was way too damn quiet. "Do you think the girls are home?" He asked the guys.

"School gets out at two forty-five, they should be." Jones offered.

"Maybe their hanging out in the garage doing homework. "Jimmy shrugged and made his way to the back gate.

"Let's make sure we thank Lynn for the idea of handing out the CD's at that rock concert... who would have thought that would lead to everything that happened today." Nickels chuckled.

"You're pathetic Nic... you'll say and do anything to get into Lynn's pants." Dax laughed.

"Shut the fuck up, you know you do the same thing too!" Nickels growled. But Jimmy and the rest of the guys all laughed as well as they went to the garage door.

"Remember, we didn't get the deal." Howie grinned before taking a hold of the door knob and walking in, but what they saw wasn't what anyone was expecting.

Mary Beth sat on the old raggedy couch with her arm around Tia, while Margie and Mindy were sitting at their feet. Tia's head popped up showing her red eyes, and they could all see that she had been crying, and that made Howie rush in. "What's going on?" He asked his aunt, but Tia's hands went over her face and started crying again.

"It's nothing, Tia is just a little upset is all." Mary smiled.

"Upset, upset about what?"

"Well..." She started, but Jimmy realized Addison wasn't there.

"Where's Addie? Is she okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, and Lynn?" Nickels chimed in.

"They're just in their bedroom guys, that's all. But Jimmy, I think you and me should have a little talk before you go see her... we've got some wonderful news today." She said, but then cleared her throat. "But first, why don't you all tell us how everything went at with the recording company."

"Well, it was great! We got it aunt Mary; we got the recording deal. We head out to L.A. at the end of the month to start recording our first album." Howie said as he went over and sat next to Tia.

"That's great guys, congratulations!" Mary said to them, but her smile dipped.

Dax came up next to Jimmy looking over at all the girls, and then back at Mary. "Holy shit, is the chipmunk sick or something?" He asked with a hitch in his voice.

"What?" Mary asked shocked.

Jimmy's heart started to beat out of his chest. That kind of thought never occurred to him, he just knew something was going on, but what if it's worse than that... "What the hell, is Addie alright or what!" He shouted as his hands went to his head looking around the room trying to keep himself calm enough to hear her answer.

The Rockstar Second Chance Vol. 5 Rocker Girl SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now