Chapter 2

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His eyes opened as the last remnants of his dream about the first time he met Addison lingered before he turned over and stared at another hotel ceiling, in a city he couldn't even remember he was in and sighed.

Over the last six years every night he has some sort of dream about his past, especially from when he was young. No matter how the dream started, it always ended with Addison in it. He thought of it as a form of penance for the sins he did to his baby girl. So, he'd wake up every morning reminded of what he had done, and with an aching heart.

This last tour had really taken its toll on him. It had been a long ass year, and now all he really wanted to do was go home, sit back, and relax. But going home had always been hard to do, that's why his ass was always working and touring.

His hands went over his face as he laid there and wondered if he should just head over to Hawaii again so he didn't have to be back home. But there was a part of him that just wanted to settle down and be still in his own place for a while, no matter how bad it hurt. Then he thought about what Nickels had said to him recently, and that maybe he should come out to visit him and Lynn at their new place in Nashville.

Lynn and Nickels were married over a year ago now, and he could still remember going to the wedding in the Hollywood Hills. Nick had told him that the big bash of the wedding was really their second wedding, the first one was just them back in Nashville, where the girls had moved so Addison could escape from him, and the second one back home in California.

When he showed up at the wedding, and even though it was the second wedding and the rest of the group was there... it surprised the hell out of him when he didn't see Addison. Her and Lynn where thicker than thieves and always had been. So, for her not to come, only meant one thing. She didn't want to see him.

The month before the wedding, Addison was all he could think about. He was looking forward to seeing her again, even though he was nervous as hell. He didn't want to cause any problems, or start a scene, he just wanted to talk to her, see how she was doing, and see if this new guy was making her happy. That was all.

He'd been clean and sober for years now, there had only been one time he'd fallen off the wagon. It was the day Dax was smiling at his phone, and he saw a picture of Addie, his baby girl, holding some other man's baby in her arms smiling so happily. It was a day he'd never forget, May 7... the day he relapsed, and went into a drug induced stupor almost killing himself.

As he stared up at the ceiling, his heart still aching, and not wanting to remember what he did after he went on his self-destructive binge. He can still remember vividly waking up in the hospital after an OD, again, and knowing that he was going right back to the bottle when he got out.

All the guys had tried to get through to him, but it was Jones who came after Nic and Dax found him in the bathroom, speaking the only words that penetrated through that thick skull of his... "If Addie ever divorced this guy, would you want her back?" Jones asked sitting on the hospital bed picking up the rehab forms.

"Fuck yeah, I'd want her back." He seethed. Angry at himself, at Nickels, at Dax for convincing him to sign the divorce papers, angry at everything... he was just so damn angry!

"Okay then, be the man she'd take back Jim. Don't be the man she was afraid of and left" Was all Jones said, handing him the papers before patting him on the back to leave.

After that day, and what Jones had said, he spent the next nine months getting clean. No more drinking, drugs, or even cigarettes, he was done. He was going to live his life like he should have done when all the shit started after having the affair, and when Addie was his.

The Rockstar Second Chance Vol. 5 Rocker Girl SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now