Chapter 10

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She couldn't believe what she was seeing, she just couldn't, for a minute she thought maybe she was dreaming, but she wasn't. At first, she wondered how this happened, but then she felt Lynn's hand on her shoulder and then she knew who gave the go ahead with this.

It had been so many years since she'd seen the man standing in the door way of her kitchen, and then there he was, and after reading all those letters that he had written to her. Seeing Jimmy was going to kill her, she just knew it was!

Her head and heart were a mess without seeing him after reading how much he loved her, but to have him standing in front of her? But when he pulled her into his arms... it took everything she had not to hug him back, and truthfully, she wasn't sure if she was crying because he was here, or because she felt guilty that she was so damn happy to see him. Shit, she was a mess!

Her eyes wandered over his six foot five, lean, muscular body making her heart skip a beat... he was still so damn sexy. His dark brown hair was longer than she'd ever seen it, and she could see that his neck was clear of the tattoos he got over the years, now just showing his tanned skin. His beautiful blue eyes were once again clear, and not red from all the poison he placed in his body. He looked good, really good, just like the Jimmy she remembered, and not smelling of booze, and women's perfume. But just thinking about all those other women, made her eyes well up again at just the thought.

He frowned shaking his head as her eyes dropped. "I know that look Addie, I know it all to well. But please baby girl, don't go there. I know what I did hurt you, but we've both grown so much since we've been apart, and I'm not that man who hurt you anymore. Let me prove that to you." He whispered. "I'm not asking for anything, just a chance for you and me to get to know each other again, that's all."

"Jimmy, my boys? I just don't know..." She stated, but a finger went under her chin so she'd look up at him.

"I know Addie, and I want to get to know them to, if that's okay with you. I have a couple months off and I was hoping to spend that time with you and your boys." He grinned. "And I'm thinking after the next album of retiring."

"Retiring, really?" She asked.

"Yeah, me and Nickels had been talking about producing more than recording. Jones and Howie really want to be home with Margie and Tia, and I'm done with living on a tour bus and hotels."

"So, you really want to spend the next couple months with me and the boys here in Nashville?" She whispered.

"More than anything. That's what I was hoping for when I came here to see you. I want you and me to be friends again." He admitted.

Why did that make her so happy, she was an idiot, a complete idiot! "I don't know Jimmy..." She sighed trying to get a hold of her feelings.

"Close your eyes for me... please." He murmured.

"What, why..." She asked wanting to take a step back because she didn't know what her heart, and her body would do if he tried something.

"I'm not going to do anything, I promise." He whispered.

She did what he asked, and then felt him kiss under her eye. "I hate that I gave you that scar. I can't even tell you how much it's fucking killing me." He growled as his hands took her face and wiped off a couple tears that escaped after hearing that. "Just give me a chance to be the man that I should've been all those years ago, and if you don't like it, or you want me gone, then I'll go, with no questions asked." He whispered in her ear, but having him leave wasn't what was worrying her. Having him here, and so close... that did something else to her entirely.

The Rockstar Second Chance Vol. 5 Rocker Girl SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now