Chapter 12

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She laid on her bed with Justin wrapped in her arms waiting for the nightmare to pass. He whimpered as he sucked his thumb and she started o hum row, row, row your boat over and over again until his breathing became steady and he started to fall back asleep. She let him go, and tucked him in the sheets and then caressed his little face as she watched his little body relax... and then she thought of Jimmy and how Justin reacted to him tonight and then sighed as her thoughts turned to Winston.

Win was diagnosed with leukemia two years after they were married. She could still remember going into their bedroom where she just broke down and started crying after that trip to the doctor's office. The thought of losing him was just too much for her to bare. The next thing she knew Win had come into the bedroom and sat down next to her, taking her in his arms, and telling her that everything was going to be okay.

She was so mad at herself over that. It was Win that needed her support, not the other way around, and from that day forward she made sure that he never saw her cry again. She was going to be strong for Winston so he didn't have to worry about her and J.W., only about getting himself better and she never showed what a total mess she was inside... and that's how she spent the next two years.

That night they made love to each other. It was a passionate kind of love, one where your whole heart is pouring out into the other person. Like everything that was in your heart you wanted them to feel from you. When they were done, they had a long talk as they lied naked in each other's arms, reassuring each other that everything was going to be okay. Win had told her that their love would see them threw anything that they had to face. It was nine months later that Justin was born.

She wiped a tear that fell remembering how sick Win was when Justin was born. He fought so hard to get better, but that wasn't how it was going to be for him. When his body rejected the round of chemo treatments, she knew that was a bad sign, and then when they tried the alternative medicine, that made him even sicker, but he kept trying anything and everything to get rid of the cancer. He told her that, He wasn't going to go to his grave knowing he didn't do everything he could to stay with them.

But that's when all the nightmares started with Justin...

It was one night at the end of Winston's life that he was so sick, that he couldn't keep anything down, that she thought she was going to have to take him back to the hospital. But after a couple hours, and Win refusing to go back to the hospital, he seemed a little better. The kids wanted to go see him so badly, and she didn't have the heart to tell them no... she didn't know how much longer they were going to have their daddy around. So, she turned on the TV, got her three men comfortable, and went out to make the boys some dinner.

She wasn't sure what happened next, only that Justin's scream echoed throughout the house making her stop everything and ran back to the bedroom. When she got to the door, Winston was on the floor throwing up what looked like a mixer of blood and bile and it was everywhere. While J.W. looked on in horror, and Justin was screaming on the floor next to him.

She called 911 and then Margie, who was home and knew she could handle the stress unlike Tia. She had Margie come over and watch the kids so she could go to the hospital to be with Win. That was the first night that she lost any hope that they could beat this disease. When she looked at the charts, her heart sank. She knew what they said about the cancer being terminal, but deep down she always had hope they were wrong, but it was then when she accepted the truth.

She kissed Win telling him that she would be back after she checked on the kids. They were keeping him over night so they could hydrate him, and then she was bringing him back home in the morning. When she got home, Justin was still crying and Margie told her that she couldn't get him to stop.

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