Chapter 19

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When his eyes opened, it took him a minute to figure out where he was, then he turned his head and saw the woman he had just dreamed about lying next to him, and couldn't help but smile. For so many years, he's had these dreams, and every morning he'd wake up tortured over what he had fucked up, but now his life felt like it was back on track. He glanced at the clock and saw it was only eight, and knew that he had plenty of time to get some lovin' in before they had to go pick up the kids, but he wanted to do something special for his baby girl... before he gets that lovin'.

He got up from bed, trying not to make any fast moves, then went into the bathroom, brushing his teeth and throwing on his sweatpants before shutting the bedroom door behind him. He walked out to the kitchen, getting the coffee on, and then going to the fridge to get the eggs, when he thought he heard something going on in the front yard.

The house was dim from everything being shut from last night, but when he walked into the entryway, he knew something was going on in the front yard but didn't expect what he saw when he opened the front door. The front of Addison's house was full of reporters, paparazzi, and whoever else could cram their way into the small front yard. Vans and cars were all along the street, crowding up the neighborhood. He stood there in shock, trying to figure out how in the hell they found him when a reporter looked his way and started shouting out his name... and then all hell broke loose.

He shut the door before anyone came to close and wondered what the fuck was going on! He hadn't got himself into trouble, the tour was over, him and the guys had to be back in California in three weeks for some publicity shit, so what was this all about?! That's when he walked back into the kitchen and called the one person who could answer that question for him.

"Yeah, what's up Jim?" Nickels groggy voice answered.

"I've got at least thirty reporters in front of Addie's house right now!" He hissed under his breath.


"You heard me. Fuck, how in the hell did this happen? I thought I was in the clear here... I mean, it's been two months now, and no one has bothered me." He stated, running his hand through his hair.

"I'm not sure... I thought we did a pretty good job keeping where you were a secret. And everywhere we go has a strict policy of secrecy." Nickels admitted.

"Well, that went to hell in a handbag!"

"Damn it, you know you're not going to be able to just leave the house without them following you. It's better if you give a quick interview."

"An interview about what? Shit... I don't want to get Addie all wrapped up in whatever is going on. Son of a bitch, I was enjoying having a fucking life." He groaned.

"So, what's your plan?"

"I don't know. My plan was making my girl some fucking breakfast before we went and picked up the boys at Jones place." He sighed, running his hand over his face. "Now, I'm not sure. What do you think?"

"Well, you could go and see what the stupid fuckers want? It might be because you're in town or something." Nickels offered.

"If that was the case, why in the hell would they be over at Addie's?"

"Good point. I'll start making some calls." And then he heard Lynn's voice in the background murmur something. "And Lynn says she'll see what she can dig up." Nickels offered.

"Yeah, and text me if you find out anything." He said, hanging up the phone.

He leaned back against the counter, not sure what in the hell he was going to do. One thing was for sure, someone had a big fucking mouth, but who? His thoughts went to that asshole South, but he didn't think even that douche would want Addison to have this kind of shit happen to her.... and then his cell went off. He looked down, seeing it was a text from Nickels, and swiped it open. A screenshot popped up, letting him know what was going around the internet. There were photos of him and Addison dancing, kissing, his hand on her ass, one with his hand up her skirt, and then them leaving together...and all from last night. Then there was the title,

The Rockstar Second Chance Vol. 5 Rocker Girl SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now