Chapter 5

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California, four years after Addie and Tia moved into the foster home...

Jimmy sat under the old oak tree in the front yard waiting for Addie to get home. He had left school knowing she was staying after but wanted to be cool so he left anyways, and was now regretting it. Even after four years of being around Addison every day... he still couldn't get enough of her. She was fourteen now, and he was sixteen, and all he could think about was how to get her to realize just how much he was into her.

Mary had told everyone that Addison was staying after school that day because she wanted to join the math club at the Jr. High. Whenever he thought about just how damn smart Addison was, and so damn beautiful, yet so fucking dorky, it blew his mind. All the girls he knew who were just pretty, went around flaunting their shit to all the guys. But Addison, she was all about good grades and becoming a doctor so she could help people.

He sat back on the fence thinking about everything that Addison wanted to be, and then how his dream was to be a rockstar, and just how in the hell that was going to work. No one was ever going to tell him what he could or couldn't do ever again, and he sure in hell was going to have the money to get everything that he ever wanted... and that included Addison!

After a while he saw some girls walking up the street that he knew to be friends that Addie hung out with, but he didn't see Addison. But when he did, he couldn't believe what he was seeing. There was some tall blond hair guy that was walking next to his baby girl! This ass kept glancing down at Addison with a look he knew all too well. The douche kept smiling every time she said something, and then laughed.

Someone slapped him on his back, then Jones and Dax came over and sat next to him on the old wood fence watching the scene unfold in front of them. "Looks like Jimmy's got some competition." Jones teased.

"I don't know why he never thought guys weren't going to take notice of her? It's obvious whenever our friends come over they can't quit looking at her, hell anything with a dick can't stop looking at her." Dax laughed.

"You two need to shut the hell up! I'm sure he's one of the other girl's boyfriend or something." Jimmy growled.

"Yeah, he looks totally into Bethany, or maybe it's Nancy he's diggin' on." Jones offered. "You know Dax, I think Jimmy might be right... that guy might be one of the OTHER girl's boyfriend. He totally doesn't look interested in Addie's hot little ass at all."

Dax was smiling so big, Jimmy just wanted to beat the hell out of him. "You guys are a bunch of assholes, you know that!" He seethed.

That's when the two girls started to giggle and walk ahead of Addison and the ass that was following her like a puppy. Then he watched the guy pull her under a jacaranda tree, and was standing in front of her with his hand rubbing the back of his neck. "Well from the looks of it, the kid wants Addie to be his girlfriend I think." Dax stated to the both of them.

"Who the fuck does this guy think he is..." He growled jumping from the fence and started walking towards his baby girl and the asshole who thought he was going to take her from him.

"Oh shit, and there he goes." He heard Jones laugh.

As Jimmy got to where Addie stood, he saw the guy glance over at him with a frown, then looked back down at the girl he was trying to talk to. When he was right in back of Addison, he glared at the ass who was glaring back at him now. "Addie, I need some help with my math homework. I've been waiting for you to come home for over an hour now." He said behind her, making her jump at his voice, and then turned around in shock.

"Jimmy... I'll be home in a minute." She told him.

"What, is two plus two to hard for you to do on your own, smart guy?" The jock smirked thinking calling him stupid in front of Addie would make her consider this jock strap.

The Rockstar Second Chance Vol. 5 Rocker Girl SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now