Chapter 8

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California, A couple months after the Addison and Tia had moved in...

Jimmy's grades had been slipping over the last couple of months, and that wasn't good. He found himself in detention just the other day for smarting off to his math teacher because he was caught writing a song in class, and now he got an F on his last test.

He hated school, and hated to go there every day when he thought it was a waste of his time. He knew he wasn't going to college or anything, his life was going to be music, so why in the hell should he worry about his grades?

It was only last year when Mary Beth got all the guys instruments for Christmas to hopefully keep them out of trouble, and so far, they had. They had the garage to themselves every night but could only practice till six on weekdays so not to bother the neighbors. But on the weekends... they could play to eleven and it was the best. But now she had a new problem, and that was with the guys keeping up with their school work. So, every day after school was supposed to be time to get their homework done, and every night after supper and after the kitchen was cleaned, it was time for band practice... but tonight, he had to finish up homework he didn't get with Mary Beth.

She had spent two hours trying to explain the math homework to him. It was long and tedious, and made him want to pull his damn hair out of his head. It was hard for him to focus on something he had no interest in, but he did the best he could for the sake of his family. So that meant he was going to be late again, and even if it was because of homework, his ass was going to be jumped by Dax and Jones for not getting the shit done sooner!

When his math paper was finally finished, he reached into his backpack for the song he wrote in since class and swore under his breath thinking about what Dax was bitchin' about, and how he's late every dam night for practice when they only had till six, and tonight was going to a big night too. Tonight, they were going to finally decide on the name for their band. "Shit!" He mumbled running back into the house to get the names he'd come up with.

Nickels, who has no musical talent what so ever, came up with the name Death Squad. Howie thought their name should be named after the oak tree out in the front yard because that was there spot. So, After the Oak was his suggestion... and hated. Jones told everyone that he could care less what name they had as long as it was dark and bad ass. With that in mind, Dax came up with Forever Darkness. But Jimmy thought he had it, and it was awesome, Death Ever After. Now he just had to see if the guys liked it too and vote on it.

Jimmy ran out the back slider with the papers in hand towards the garage, swearing under his breath at his math teacher, and why she had to give so much damn homework every night! He heard the guys start to warm up when a noise caught his attention. He slowed down and then stopped trying to pin point where it was at. He started to look around hearing a low whisper and then some sniffles coming somewhere from the backyard.

He shoved the papers in his pocket and went to see who it was that was crying. He made his way around to the back of the shed and turned the corner and saw the new little girl Addison sitting there on the ground. This girl had got under his skin, and even now when he thought of those violet eyes it made his heart beat fast for some reason.

Her knees were tucked tight up against her body, with her arms wrapped around them, and even from where he stood her hands looked white from cutting off the blood circulation from digging into her sweatshirt. And then she started to cry again, and he could tell she was trying to muffle the sound into her legs. She was so upset that she didn't even notice him make his way over to her. Only when he spoke did he get her attention, and her body tensed up. "Hey Addie, is everything alright?" He asked.

Her head snapped up and then she shook her head wiping off the tears. She started to get up but he went over and sat down next to her. "Hey I didn't mean to scare you off or anything. I just wanted to make sure you're okay."

The Rockstar Second Chance Vol. 5 Rocker Girl SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now