Chapter 21

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The night of the fight on the Hollywood strip...

Jimmy and the guys had just gotten back to Los Angeles that day. The tour was long but was finally finished. They had been on the road for almost a year now, and all any of them could think about was seeing the girls... that was if the girls would see them. In two years, everything had changed, they were bigger than ever. But they all had one problem, they couldn't keep their dicks in their pants and lost the women they loved. Now they all come back to empty homes.

It was Nickels that found out that the girls had taken their band Spitfire to a local hot spot, and was making quite a name for themselves. There were even rumors of the girls going big, but the guys knew that was bull shit; the girls played music as a hobby, not a career. But he paid the owner of the club a lot of fucking money to send them photos of the girls, and even some videos. The guys had stopped in about eight months ago sitting in the back of the club watching their women play, then ambushed them when they got back to Addison's place in the hills to get what they wanted. But ever since that night, none of them had heard from the girls, no matter how many times they called.

So when they got home and all they heard about was how good the girls were doing, the girls and their Friday night shows, and how fucking smoking hot their girls were... they had to go see them even though they all knew what fucking dicks they were for even trying to get back into their good graces. But as for Jimmy, the year away from Addison had been one big haze of drinking, drugs, and so many women he'd lost count.

Nickels had called ahead to the Hot spot and talked to the manager so they all could sneak in without being seen. On the last Friday of the month, the girls had a theme night, and this Friday was one of those nights. They made their way to a table secluded in the corner where their drinks were brought and watched all the people wandering around in WWII uniforms ... Leave it to the girls to do something totally bazaar, and have it be a smash.

The little club was packed, and Jimmy had already downed four of his shots and a beer in hand waiting to see his baby girl. It's been eight months without a word from her, but at this point, she wouldn't even take his calls anymore. That's how it was between them now. But it wasn't just him, it was all of the guys. They'd all fucked up, and even though that didn't stop one of them from screwing around if anyone asked who their girls were... they had no problem telling anyone who they were in love with. But that wasn't the case with their women.

Jones zipped up his pants as he made his way to the table from getting sucked off from some groupie in the bathroom, then took a beer from the many drinks in front of Jimmy. "They're not out yet?"

"No." Jimmy answered thinking four shots and two beers wasn't enough to drown of all the fucking women that he'd slept with out of his head. So, he popped a pill and hoped that would numb his mind enough to all the sluts he'd fucked on tour so he could keep his thoughts straight when he talked to his baby girl. Every woman Jimmy slept with; they were all Addison. It was her name he screamed out when he came... he just didn't know what the fuck was wrong with him anymore.

None of the guys knew about the girl's lives anymore. Well, Lynn made sure to show Nickels that she was just fine without him. And for all of Nickels screw-ups, Jimmy knew that when he saw her walk out with a woman or two men she'd slept with, it fucking killed him.

"I heard the girls sell this place out every night they play. Even having lines going around the corner waiting to get in." Howie told them.

"Shit, I knew we should've pushed them to stay in music... they could have been fucking huge." Nickels growled.

But that had Howie shaking his head. "I heard Addie and Lynn are helping Billy and Sam start-up their label, and are pretty damn good at scouting out new talent."

The Rockstar Second Chance Vol. 5 Rocker Girl SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now