Chapter 3

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Six years ago, after Eerie Pennsylvania...

Jimmy's head was swimming, but he was getting used to that after all the drugs he'd been taking. His eyes felt like they had been super glued shut, but when he finally opened them, he saw a bright white ceiling... that looked nothing like the hotels that he'd become accustomed to. "My fucking head." He groaned. "Where the fuck am I?" He asked, but didn't expect to get a reply.

"You're in the hospital, again, Jimmy." Nickels told him.

He turned his head and saw Dax sitting over in some chairs and Nickels standing at the window looking outside. But while Nickels looked pissed, Dax looked like he was going to pull his bright red hair out from his head. "What?"

"Do you have any idea what the fuck you've done?!" Dax snarled glaring at him from where he sat.

Jimmy sat up, trying to get his head straight, but was pissed. "What the hell are you talking about! I figured I OD'd again. So the fuck what, I won't do it again!" He growled back.

"Oh my god Jimmy, you're to fucked up for your own good!" Dax said falling back into the chair, while Nickels didn't say anything, just kept staring out the window.

"Nickels what the fuck is going on here? I mean I know you all are pissed because of me ending up in the hospital again... but this shit isn't making sense!"

Nickels glanced over his shoulder flipping a pack of smokes in his hands, before shaking his head. "Damn it, I had no idea you were this fucked up, I really didn't Jim." He sighed.

"Both of you need to shut the fuck up and tell me what the hell is going on now!" He roared, making a nurse come into the room, only to have Nickels give her a look and had her ass running back out.

"You hurt Addie, again! Her face is a mess, and from your own fucking hand!" Dax roared back getting into Jimmy's face. "Son of a bitch! I don't know what you did to her tonight, and apparently, you're not going to remember it either. I can only pray that you didn't fucking rape her... damn it!"

"What the fuck are you talking about?" He snarled grabbing onto Dax shirt and pulling him to where they were face to face.

"You took her from her apartment man, and then drove the two of you to Eerie." Dax snapped, but Jimmy wasn't getting it. "You remember that little motel that you stayed in your honeymoon? You kidnapped her, and then she drugged you Jimmy; your wife drugged your ass so she could get away from you!"

He let go of Dax shirt making him stumble back. "No, I, I don't remember any of that... no, I didn't hurt my baby girl, I didn't." He mumbled as his hands went through his hair and his eyes wandered around the room trying to remember anything of what happened, but he just couldn't.

"Yes, you did! This shit is over now Jimmy! You're going to sign those fucking divorce papers Addie gave you and let her go before you kill her and yourself... then your ass is going into rehab to get the fucking help you needed for a long time now!" Dax roared.

Jimmy ripped the IV out of his arm, getting out of bed and getting into Dax face. "I'm not signing any fucking divorce papers, and that's final! Addison's mine, she's always been mine!" He snarled back.

"That's enough!" Nickels said finally stepping away from the window and put a cigarette in him mouth, but didn't light it, walking to the hospital rooms door. "Come on Jimmy, I think you need a good dose of reality."

"What the fuck does that mean?" He seethed taking his jeans that Dax held out for him.

"You'll see." Was all Nickels said.

The Rockstar Second Chance Vol. 5 Rocker Girl SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now